Open source Blockchain Platforms Open source software is a radical model oriented technology which enables the organization to fasten their development to in… Blockchain has been the buzzword of the year for almost a decade now, and that doesn’t seem to stop any time soon. While the technology gained popularity with bitcoin, mainstream adoption has been sl…
[EOS.IO Technical White Paper v2] Abstract: The EOS.IO software introduces a new blockchain architecture designed to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications. This is achieved by creating an operating system-like construct…
下面是收集的一些开发工具包,主要是C/C++方面的,涉及图形.图像.游戏.人工智能等各个方面,感觉是一个比较全的资源.供参考!  原文的出处:  //z 2015-07-30 15:24:34 L.154'30926 BG57IV3@XCL T3752479411.K.F1370514324[T81,L7803,R301,V7813] Contents 2D Graphic… ide:idea ,要安装Lombok plugin 配置: -Dspring.config.location=file:D:\Swiftglobal\blockchain\blockchain-app\target\classes\ -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:D:\Swiftglobal\blockchain\blockchain-app\… NET Implementations .NET Core – Core .NET Framework C# Native – Compiles C# to native. Cosmos – C# Open Source Managed Operating System, an operat…
The Robotics Library is an open source C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control. The official website provides a Windows installer. But it's release only and has no debug information. To better debug into the library, we need to…
A list of open source C++ libraries < cpp‎ | links The objective of this page is to build a comprehensive list of open source C++ libraries, so that when one needs an implementation of particular functional…
/* 以前只是听说过BlockChain,没怎么了解过,最近导师在搞Blockchain,让我配一下Open BlockChain的环境,于是就硬着头皮配了一下,还挺顺利的. 由于没接触过BlockChain,配置有什么问题还请各位大神指正*/ 环境:Ubuntu14.04 x64 一.准备工作: 1.Git Client Ubuntu自带git client 所以省略此步骤 2.Go环境配置 参考:… The Goal To produce a to…