相关工作: 将R-CNN推广到RGB-D图像,引入一种新的编码方式来捕获图像中像素的地心姿态,并且这种新的编码方式比单纯使用深度通道有了明显的改进. 我们建议在每个像素上用三个通道编码深度图像:水平视差.离地高度.像素局部表面法向量和重力方向的夹角(HHA,horizontal disparity, height above ground, and the angle the pixel`s, local surface normal makes with the inferred gravit…
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Visual Object Tracking in Videos 论文笔记 arXiv 摘要:本文提出了一种 DRL 算法进行单目标跟踪,算是单目标跟踪中比较早的应用强化学习算法的一个工作.  在基于深度学习的方法中,想学习一个较好的 robust spatial and temporal representation for continuous video data 是非常困难的.  尽管最近的 CNN based tracke…
Learning to Track at 100 FPS with Deep Regression Networks   ECCV 2016  论文笔记 工程网页:http://davheld.github.io/GOTURN/GOTURN.html GitHub 地址:https://github.com/davheld/GOTURN 本文第一次利用 Deep Learning 技术将跟踪的速度维持在 100fps,当然是使用 GPU 的前提下.本文的流程框架如下所示: 将跟踪看做是回归问题,…
目录 Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Generalized Focal Loss: Learning Qualified and Distributed Bounding Boxes for Dense Object Detection 一. 论文简介 将目标检测Loss和评价指标统一,提升检测精度.这是一篇挺好的论文,下面会将其拓展到其它领域. 主要做的贡献如下(可能之…
from:http://analyticsbot.ml/2016/10/machine-learning-pre-processing-features/ Machine Learning : Pre-processing features October 21, 2016 I am participating in this Kaggle competition. It is a prediction problem contest. The problem statement is: How…
Exercise:Learning color features with Sparse Autoencoders 习题链接:Exercise:Learning color features with Sparse Autoencoders sparseAutoencoderLinearCost.m function [cost,grad,features] = sparseAutoencoderLinearCost(theta, visibleSize, hiddenSize, ... lam…
[arXiv 1710.03144]Island Loss for Learning Discriminative Features in Facial Expression ABSTRACT 作者在CenterLoss的基础上,提出了一个新的Loss,在关注类别的类内距离的同时,优化类间距离,使得每个类别拥有更大的margin,从而迫使网络能够学习到更具判别性的特征. 当前问题 在环境不可控(光照,姿态,遮挡,人物状态)等条件下,不同表情间的类间距离往往会大于类内距离.同时因为高的类内距离,同…
ACCEPTED CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION 2001 Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features 简单特征的优化级联在快速目标检测中的应用 Paul Viola                                                            Michael Jones viola@merl.…
论文标题:Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation 标题翻译:丰富的特征层次结构,可实现准确的目标检测和语义分割 论文作者:Ross Girshick Jeff Donahue Trevor Darrell Jitendra Mali 论文地址:http://fcv2011.ulsan.ac.kr/files/announcement/513/r-cnn-cvpr.pdf RC…
Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation 作者: Ross Girshick Jeff Donahue Trevor Darrell Jitendra Malik 引用: Girshick, Ross, et al. "Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation…