一.概述 1. 当一个组件在模板中被使用时,它具有发送action到这个模板的controller和routes的能力.当重大事件发生的时候,这些允许组件通知application,比如点击组件一个特殊的元素. 2. 像{{action}}Handlebars辅助器,来自组件的actions首先会去到模板的controller.如果controller没有为这个action实现一个处理程序,它将会冒泡到模板的route,然后上升到路由层次.要知道更多的关于冒泡行为的信息,请看Action Bud…
http://blog.jobbole.com/77837/ 原文出处: 徐飞(@民工精髓V) 搞前端时间比较长的同学都会知道一个东西,那就是HTC(HTML Components),这个东西名字很现在流行的Web Components很像,但却是不同的两个东西,它们的思路有很多相似点,但是前者已是昨日黄花,后者方兴未艾,是什么造成了它们的这种差距呢? HTML Components的一些特性 因为主流浏览器里面只有IE支持过HTC,所以很多人潜意识都认为它不标准,但其实它也是有标准文档的,而且…
写在前面的话: 公司的新项目需要用到Ember.js,版本为v1.13.0.由于网上关于Ember的资料非常少,所以只有硬着头皮看官网的Guides,为了加深印象和方便以后查阅就用自己拙劣的英语水平把这系列教程翻译为了中文,在这里把它们分享出去,希望能帮助到大家. 目前只是初稿,里面不乏有一些翻译错误,错别字之类的,随着学习的深入我会慢慢更正.大家在看的时候如果有疑惑的地方可以配合官网的英文Guides,欢迎给我留言指正,非常感激! 目录: 1 Getting Started 1.1      …
原文:http://www.asp.net/vnext/overview/aspnet-vnext/vc 介绍view components view components (VCs) 类似于partial views, 但是VCs更加强大. 可以简单的把VC想象成一个mini的控制器.当你认为使用partial太复杂的时候你可以考虑使用VCs,例如: 动态导航菜单Dynamic navigation menus 标签云(从数据库获取数据) 登录面板 购物车 最近发布的文章 博客的其它边栏 VC…
参考 :http://blog.csdn.net/zhangxin09/article/details/6914882 An Ext JS application's UI is made up of one or many widgets called Components. All Components are subclasses of theExt.Component class which allows them to participate in automated lifecycl…
https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/tutorial/overview003.htm ava EE components are written in the Java programming language and are compiled in the same way as any program in the language. The differences between Java EE components and "standard" J…
Normally you declare all the beans or components in XML bean configuration file, so that Spring container can detect and register your beans or components. Actually, Spring is able to auto scan, detect and instantiate your beans from pre-defined proj…
Following content is directly reprinted from : http://blogs.technet.com/b/alexshev/archive/2008/08/23/from-msi-to-wix-part-4-features-and-components.aspx Author: Alex Shevchuk The main page for the series is here. Introduction When we install any msi…
In this lesson we'll learn how to render multiple component children from a single route. Define a named component by "components": <Route path="/other" components={ {header: Other, body: OtherBody}}></Route> 'header' and '…
In this note, we discuss principal components regression and some of the issues with it: The need for scaling. The need for pruning. The lack of “y-awareness” of the standard dimensionality reduction step. The purpose of this article is to set the st…