题目链接:http://acm.sgu.ru/problem.php?contest=0&problem=455 Due to the slow 'mod' and 'div' operations with int64 type, all Delphi solutions for the problem 455 (Sequence analysis) run much slower than the same code written in C++ or Java. We do not gua…
CALCULATOR CONUNDRUM Alice got a hold of an old calculator that can display n digits. She was bored enough to come up with the following time waster. She enters a number k then repeatedly squares it until the result overflows. When the result overf…
Write an algorithm to determine if a number is "happy". 写出一个算法确定一个数是不是快乐数. A happy number is a number defined by the following process: Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits, and repeat th…
Floyd判圈算法 leetcode 上 编号为202 的happy number 问题,有点意思.happy number 的定义为: A happy number is a number defined by the following process: Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits, and repeat the process u…