什么是有限状态机(Finite State Machine)? 什么是确定性有限状态机(deterministic finite automaton, DFA )? 什么是非确定性有限状态机(nondeterministic finite automaton, NDFA, NFA)? [1] wiki-en: Finite state machine [2] wiki-zh-cn: Finite state machine [3] brilliant: finite-state-machines…
状态机(Finite State Machine):状态机由状态寄存器和组合逻辑电路构成,能够根据控制信号按照预先设定的状态进行状态转移,是协调相关信号动       作.完成特定操作的控制中心. 类别: ~ 若输出只和状态有关而与输入无关,则称为Moore状态机      ~ 输出不仅和状态有关而且和输入有关系,则称为Mealy状态机 关于状态机的一个极度确切的描述是它是一个有向图形,由一组节点和一组相应的转移函数组成.状态机通过响应一系列事件而"运行".每个事件都在属于"…
Contents [hide]  1 Description 2 Components 3 C# - FSMSystem.cs 4 Example Description This is a Deterministic Finite State Machine framework based on chapter 3.1 of Game Programming Gems 1 by Eric Dybsend. Therea are two classes and two enums. Includ…
1.Two always block style with combinational outputs(Good Style) 对应的代码如下: 2段式总结: (1)the combinational always block sensitivity list is sensitve to changes on the state variable and all of the inputs referenced in the combinaltional always block. 这个实际中…
1.the fsm coding style should be easily modifiable to change state encoding and FSM styles. FSM 的的 状态编码和风格易于改变 2.the coding style should be compact. 代码比较紧凑 3.the coding style should facilitate debugging. 代码易于debug 4.the coding style should yield effi…
What is a State Machine? Any device that changes its state from one to another due to some actions are defined to be state machines. For example an ATM machine, traffic signal, remote control, the computer itself, etc. Most software applications also…
State Machine,即为状态机,是Qt中一项非常好的框架.State Machine包括State以及State间的Transition,构成状态和状态转移.通过状态机,我们可以很方便地实现很多东西.Qt的Animation框架也是基于状态机的. 在Qt自带的帮助文档中搜索State Machine,会有一篇官方的说明文档.笔者的Qt5.2自带的文档如下: The State Machine Framework The State Machine framework provides c…