Minimum server memory与Maximum server memory是SQL Server下配置实例级别最大和最小可用内存(注意不等于物理内存)的服务器配置选项.它们是管理SQL Server内存的途径之一. Minimum server memory与Maximum server memory Minimum server memory(MB): 最小服务器内存.一旦超过这个线就不会再把内存换回去.但是也不是说SQL Server一启动马上就申请这么多的内存. Maximum…
here were various changes to memory related DMVs, DBCC memory status, and Perfmon counters in SQL Server 2012 as part of the redesign of the Memory Manager component of SQLOS. The Memory Manager redesign resulted in being able to more accurately size…
Kalen Delaney 等著的深入解析 Microsoft SQL Server 系列,享有盛誉,深入研读,是管窥深奥复杂之 SQL Server 的阶梯与门径.手头有 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Internals 影印版,也有 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Internals 电子版,相互参照,辅之以实际演练,受益匪浅. 但有一处,与实际演练情形有所出入.Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012 Internals 在…
Appendices Published: April 27, 2005 On This Page Appendix A: SQL Server for Oracle Professionals Appendix B: Getting the Best Out of SQL Server 2000 and Windows Appendix C: Baselining Appendix D: Installing Common Drivers and Applications Installing…