第十一章: 可变循环 newStars = int(input("how many stars do you want?")) for i in range(newStars): print("*") #输出: #how many stars #* #* #* 可变嵌套循环 newline = int(input("how many lines do you want?")) newStars = int(input("how many…
Python菜鸟快乐游戏编程_pygame(博主录制,2K分辨率,超高清) https://study.163.com/course/courseMain.htm?courseId=1006188025&share=2&shareId=400000000398149 为了熟悉键盘,鼠标,颜色参数,屏幕参数,我为大家准备了一个最简单的游戏sprite and sounds import pygame, sys, time, random from pygame.locals import *…
#coding=utf-8 def init_set(): r10=range(10) return [(i, j, k, l) for i in r10 for j in r10 for k in r10 for l in r10 if (i != j and i != k and i != l and j != k and j != l and k != l) ] #对给定的两组数,计算xAyB.不知道能不能更快些 def get_match_ab(target, source): la,…