枚举 scala不用关注枚举的特别语法,取而代之的是标准库中的类, scala.Enumeration 想要创建新的枚举,只需要拓展这个类的对象即可 object Color extends Enumeration{ val Red = Value val Green = Value val Blue = Value } object Test3{ def main(args:Array[String]):Unit={ for (dir <- 0 to Direction2.maxId-1){…
Apple官方文档:The Swift Programming LanguageProtocols and Extensions一节的小节练习,要求自行定义一个enumeration枚举类型,并且遵循ExampleProtocol协议: protocol ExampleProtocol { var simpleDescription: String { get } mutating func adjust() } 在网上找了好久,都不知道怎样实现,最后参照一篇帖子(http://forums.m…
enumeration(枚举)是JDK1.5引入的新特性,放在java.lang包中. 1.枚举类方法介绍 package com.enums; public class TestEnum { public static void main(String[] args) { Season season = Season.autumn; System.out.println(season);//autumn System.out.println(season.compareTo(Season.au…
1:双重for循环(相当于j是i的内存循环):for (i <-0 to n; j <-10 to 20){ println(i);println(j)} 2:单层for循环:for (i <-0 to n) print(i) 3:单层for循环(不包含上限):for (i <-0 until n) print(i) 4:break需要借助breakable: import scala.util.control.Break._ n=10 breakable { for (i <…
版权声明:http://blog.csdn.net/qq924862077/ Enumeration(枚举)接口的作用和Iterator类似,只提供了遍历Vector和HashTable类型集合元素的功能,不支持元素的移除操作. Java8中Enumeration接口的源码: public interface Enumeration<E> {/** * Tests if this enumeration contains more elements. * * @return <cod…