PLSQL  Developer在测试存储过程,遇到"Debugging not possible in single session mode" 解决办法: 点击菜单栏"Tools"->"Preferences",然后按下图操作 之后再重启PLSQL Developer…
Restrict each user to a single session in window server 2008 R2 or 2012 2014-10-31 In window server 2008 R2 In run, input 'tsconfig.msc' or menu 'Start'->Administrative Tools->Remote Desktop Services->Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration to…
note:debugging requires the debug connect session system privilege 解决方案: 原因是用户权限不够,使用以下命令授予权限: GRANT debug any procedure, debug connect session TO username…
源网址 内容: If you want to just download Snapper, you can get it from here: right click on the file and use Save as... instead of cop…
Using Sessions and Session Persistence The following sections describe how to set up and use sessions and session persistence: Overview of HTTP Sessions Setting Up Session Management Configuring Session Persistence Using URL Rewriting Instead of Cook…
MSSQL一直以来被人们认为简单.好学,但等到大家掌握了入门操作,深入理解起来又觉得非常的“拧巴”,尤其是对用惯了Oracle的同学来说,究其根本原因,无非是MSSQL引入和暴露了太多的概念.细节和理论层,而Oracle恰恰屏蔽了这些,比如下面讲到的这些概念,即使是使用很久MSSQL的同学来说,也未必就真理解的正确,下面这段文字,很好的解释了MSSQL中的几个基本概念: Scheduler (SOS Scheduler)– the object that manages thread sched…
Chapter 4 - Session The Session is at the heart of MINA : every time a client connects to the server, a new session is created, and will be kept in memory until the client is disconnected. A session is used to store persistent informations about the…
Exercise Session for Introductioninto Computer Science(for non Informatics studies, TUM BWL)(IN8005), WS 2019/2020Sheet 8• Homework are to be worked out independently.• Submission is done via moodle.•…
转载来自: a 函数 说明 abs 绝对值 acos 反余弦 acosh 反双曲余弦 addcslashes 以 C 语言风格使用反斜线转义字符串中的字符 addslashes 使用反斜线引用字符串 apache_child_terminate 在本次请求结束后终止 apache 子进程 apache_getenv 获取 Apache subprocess_env 变量 apache_get_mo…
What does this tool do? The LPC18xx/43xx DFUSec utility is a Windows PC tool that provides support functions for LPC18xx/43xx microcontroller via USB. The tool is composed of 3 components: the Image Programmer, the LPC-Link 2 Configuration Tool, and…