After reading the book of American daily English notes written by Linkun Yang[1], I think I should add my English notes to enlarge this good book. The reason why I write it is simple: 1) I have a similar English note-taking system, but I concede that…
Life English is the most pragmatic kind of English when one wants to associate with foreigner friends. There are some books that have explored this research area [4] [8] [7]. However, the books [4] [8] [6] lack the real world experience with foreigne…
b站网址 1. Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor dies in Calcutta, India--she was 87 years old. -Calcutta 加尔各答 2. --Jerry, what time do you have?--I have 5 o'cloc…
1. Thanks for stopping by.慢走不送. 2. I don't like to judge a book by it's cover.我不喜欢以貌取人. 3. Rush hour traffic is awful.高峰期的交通很糟糕 4.When others don't believe in me, I let their doubts be my extra fuel to drive me towards reaching my goals. 5.Sometimes…
Chapter 1 : About Computer Answer the following - Abbreviation LBS - Location-Based Services HTML - HyperText Markup Language XML - eXtensible Markup language WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation WML - Wireless Markup Language GPS - Global Positi…
Note 2: Complain 1. The collection of Linkun's [1]: 1.1suck If someone says that something sucks, they are indicating that they think it is very bad. [V] [feelings] [Informal] [RUDE]E.g., The system sucks. 1.2sick and tired of ... 1.3terrible 1.4horr…
Note 1: Good 1. The collection of Linkun's [1]: 1.1coolJoy says "cool" when he heard that Ross's wife is a lesbian 1.2neatI am not a neat man.-- "I do really love you", a Grammy Award nominated song around 2017. 1.3righteous 1.4goodA p…
一.ESL/非母语词典 二.EFL/母语词典 1.American Heritage Dictionary 2.World Book Dictionary 3.Oxford Dictionary of English 4.Oxford English Dictionary 5.Merriam-Websters Unabridged 三.在线词典/Online Dictionary 一部常用的英语词源词典.该词典主要的参考是: Weekley's 「An Etym…
LaTeX Software & Manuals How to Typeset Equations in LaTeX LaTeX is a very powerful tool for typesetting mathematical expressions. However, when looking at a typical document one often finds that mathematical equations that are too long to fit on one…
多态定义(百度百科):多态(Polymorphism)按字面的意思就是“多种状态”.在面向对象语言中,接口的多种不同的实现方式即为多态.引用Charlie Calverts对多态的描述 ——多态性是允许你将父对象设置成为和一个或更多的他的子对象相等的技术,赋值之后,父对象就可以根据当前赋值给它的子对象的特性以不同的方式运作(摘自“Delphi4 编程技术 内幕”).简单的说,就是一句话:允许将子类类型的指针赋值给父类类型的指针.多态性在Object Pascal和C++中都是通过虚函数(Virt…
JAVA SPI 简介 SPI 是 Java 提供的一种服务加载方式,全名为 Service Provider Interface.根据 Java 的 SPI 规范,我们可以定义一个服务接口,具体的实现由对应的实现者去提供,即服务提供者.然后在使用的时候再根据 SPI 的规范去获取对应的服务提供者的服务实现.通过 SPI 服务加载机制进行服务的注册和发现,可以有效的避免在代码中将服务提供者写死.从而可以基于接口编程,实现模块间的解耦. SPI 机制的约定 1 在 META-INF/service…
Spring AOP 介绍 AOP的介绍可以查看 Spring Boot实践——AOP实现 与AspectJ的静态代理不同,Spring AOP使用的动态代理,所谓的动态代理就是说AOP框架不会去修改字节码,而是在内存中临时为方法生成一个AOP对象,这个AOP对象包含了目标对象的全部方法,并且在特定的切点做了增强处理,并回调原对象的方法. Spring AOP中的动态代理主要有两种方式,JDK动态代理和CGLIB动态代理.JDK动态代理通过反射来接收被代理的类,并且要求被代理的类必须实现一个接口…
For the sake of learning programming better, I'd like to increase the frequency of using English. So, this note will be written in English. All my study materials are from…
centos55_oracle11gr2_install   第一个阶段:安装centos55 a:安装centos5.5   用图形界面安装  硬盘 16G 注意:用图形界面安装.. 第二个阶段:配置1:检查内存情况# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo [root@james ~]# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfoMemTotal:      1035108 kB[root@james ~…
第一个阶段:安装centos55 a:安装centos5.5   用图形界面安装  硬盘 16G 注意:用图形界面安装.. 第二个阶段:配置1:检查内存情况# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo [root@james ~]# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfoMemTotal:      1035108 kB[root@james ~]# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo…
原文: (含下载,但需要论坛注册) 下载(百度网盘): Macmillan English Dictionary 2nd Edition  密码:hhzd Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 5/e  密码:9t9j. (…
Kaushik Sathupadi Programmer. Creator. Co-Founder. Dad. See all my projects and blogs → A plain english introduction to CAP Theorem You’ll often hear about the CAP theorem which specifies some kind of an upper limit when designing distributed systems…
Pronunciation – The Definitive Guide to the Top 100 Words in American English Share Tweet Share Tagged With: 100 Most Common Words If you are working to improve your English pronunciation or comprehension you’ll love this video.  I show you everythin…
English daily notes 2015年 4月 Phrases 1. As a side note #作为附注,顺便说句题外话,和by the way意思相近,例句: @1:As a side note, there is no equivalent to tapply in the plyr package. 2. Across the range of #各种/各类/所有的,例句 @1:In order to improve all the mechanism, we' are l…
English daily notes 2015年 4月 Phrases As a side note 作为附注,顺便说句题外话,和by the way意思相近,例句 As a side note, there is no equivalent to tapply in the plyr package. Across the range of 各种/各类/所有的,例句 In order to improve all the mechanism, we' are looking across t…
视频讲解: 视频详情见: 总结分析: 001 要点总结: 1. 本富兰克林方法: 要你写下一切听到的东西 2. 辅音T在两个元音之间,发音像D 3. 三个词是作为一个整体读:“a lot of,a lot of”,重音在中间的单词上 4. people ask me, ask这个单词以辅音结束,以元音开头,中间没有停顿,“a lot of people ask”,这个L是和后面的元音紧密相连的, 要连读发音像 l…
主要讲了一个时态:现在进行时   Be动词+Ving  需要记住的有6种规律 1.直接单词后面 + ing    e.g.     watch -> watching 2.是ie结尾的单词,变y+ing   e.g.     tie -> tying      领带 -> 系领带 3.辅元辅(结尾是一个辅音+一个元音+一个辅音)的情况下,双写最后一个    e.g.        sit - sitting 4.结尾是e的情况下,去掉e + ing    e.g.  take ->…
2012.12.26 Hi all, How are you doing? Merry post-Christmas and happy upcoming New year!! I wish you had a good one this year. Our one week one time English corner is coming back! Are you excited to hear that. I know that you cannot wait to join us. Y…
今天读了几篇分布式相关的内容,记录一下.非经典论文,非系统化阅读,非严谨思考和总结.主要的着眼点在于分布式存储:好处是,跨越单台物理机器的计算和存储能力的限制,防止单点故障(single point of failure):常见方法是,做数据分区(data partition / sharding)以横向扩展,做数据复制(data replication)增加冗余度:难点是,如何在数据一致性(consistency).系统可用性(availability).分区容忍度(partition tol…
For a better environment, we should teach our children to put litter/garbage/trash into dustbin/dust pan. When he decided to study hard, his life had an abrupt change. He came to see me abruptly. Once she encounters danger, she'll show her mettle. I…
Learning about REST An Abstract Example Why Should You Care about REST? WCF and REST WebGetAttribute and WebInvokeAttribute UriTemplate and UriTemplateTable WebHttpBinding and WebHttpBehavior WebServiceHost and WebServiceHostFactory Using the Example…
h1. UBPL Introduction 通用的商业处理文库介绍h4. Why a Universal Business Process Library? 为什么需要通用的商业处理文库? The general idea is to create something like the "Universal Data Model", and that will continue to provide the basic business information concepts tha…
<Windows 8应用开发权威指南>介绍 Introduction to Windows 8: The Definitive Guide for Developer 一.封面设计要求及文字  中文书名:Windows 8应用开发权威指南 英文书名:Windows 8: The Definitive Guide for Developer I. Cover design requirements and characters Book name in Chinese: Windows 8应用开…
<英语口译全真试题精解> GPA 3.5 (MTI)  (CPA) ( GRE )  1350分+3.5以上 SAT ( TOEFL )  100分以上 TOEIC BEC (剑桥商务英语) ( GMAT ) x IELTS CET ( TSE ) GRE计算机专项考试 英语中高级口译 GRE Top 12 words anomaly assuage enigma equivocal erudite fervid lucid opaque placate precipitate prodiga…