Streaming SQL for Apache Kafka】的更多相关文章

Few weeks back, while I was enjoying my holidays in the south of Italy, I started receiving notifications about an imminent announcement by Confluent. Reading the highlights almost (...I said almost) made me willing to go immediately back to work and…
Update: KSQL is now available as a component of the Confluent Platform. I’m really excited to announce KSQL, a streaming SQL engine for Apache Kafka®. KSQL lowers the entry bar to the world of stream processing, providing a simple and completely inte…
KSQL是基于Kafka的Streams API进行构建的流式SQL引擎,KSQL降低了进入流处理的门槛,提供了一个简单的.完全交互式的SQL接口,用于处理Kafka的数据. KSQL是一套基于Apache 2.0许可开源的.分布式的.可扩展的.可靠的和实时的组件.支持多种流式操作,包括聚合(aggregate).连接(join).时间窗口(window).会话(session)等等.KSQL的两个核心概念是流(Stream)和表(Table)[参见:…
Kafka 的作者 Neha Narkhede 在 Confluent 上发表了一篇博文,介绍了Kafka 新引入的KSQL 引擎——一个基于流的SQL.推出KSQL 是为了降低流式处理的门槛,为处理Kafka 数据提供简单而完整的可交互式SQL 接口.KSQL 目前可以支持多种流式操作,包括聚合(aggregate).连接(join).时间窗口(window).会话(session),等等. 与传统 SQL 的主要区别 KSQL 与关系型数据库中的 SQL 还是有很大不同的.传统的 SQL 都…
Explore the configuration changes that Cigna’s Big Data Analytics team has made to optimize the performance of its real-time architecture. Real-time stream processing with Apache Kafka as a backbone provides many benefits. For example, this architect…
An ingest pattern that we commonly see being adopted at Cloudera customers is Apache Spark Streaming applications which read data from Kafka. Streaming data continuously from Kafka has many benefits such as having the capability to gather insights fa…
不多说,直接上干货! 一切来源于官网 Apache Kafka™ is a distributed streaming platform. What exactly does that mean? Kafka是一个分布式流数据处理平台.这到底是什么意思呢? We think of a streaming platform as having three key capabilities: 我们认为一个流数据处理平台必须…
Kafka Connect简介 我们知道过去对于Kafka的定义是分布式,分区化的,带备份机制的日志提交服务.也就是一个分布式的消息队列,这也是他最常见的用法.但是Kafka不止于此,打开最新的官网. 我们看到Kafka最新的定义是:Apache Kafka® is a distributed streaming platform 分布式流处理平台. 这里也清晰的描述了Kafka的特点:Kafka用于构建实时数据管道和流式应用程序.它具有水平可扩展性.容错性.速度极快,并在数千家公司投入生产.…
1.目标 为了构建实时应用程序,Apache Kafka  - Spark Streaming Integration是最佳组合.因此,在本文中,我们将详细了解Kafka中Spark Streaming Integration的整个概念.此外,我们将看看Spark Streaming-Kafka示例.在此之后,我们将讨论基于接收器的方法和Kafka Spark Streaming Integration的直接方法.此外,我们将在Kafka Spark Streaming Integration中…
Where did we come from? With the 0.9.0-milestone1 release, Apache Flink added an API to process relational data with SQL-like expressions called the Table API. The central concept of this API is a Table, a structured data set or stream on which relat…