什么是staging server】的更多相关文章

web项目开发中,有三个实践对于项目成功是非常重要的: 1. staging servers 2. Version control workflows 3. Tested, repeatable deployments. Staging Servers: 什么是Staging server呢?基本想法是 staging=production-users.如果你是facebook,google那么你可能早已经有了成熟的工作流程,你已经有了一些具备多级staging/production的系统,你可…
原文链接:http://blog.csdn.net/blade2001/article/details/7194895 软件应用开发的经典模型有这样几个环境:开发环境(development).集成环境(integration).测试环境(testing).QA验证,模拟环境(staging).生产环境(production). 通常一个web项目都需要一个staging环境,一来给客户做演示,二来可以作为production server的一个“预演”,正式发布新功能前能及早发现问题(特别是g…
By Daniel Du I have been studying Meteor these days, and find that Meteor is really a mind-blowing framework, I can talk about this latter. I was inspired by this question on forum and started to looking at the possibilities of using View and Data AP…
Active Record: 資料庫遷移(Migration) Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. - Rick Cook…
http://highscalability.com/blog/2014/7/21/stackoverflow-update-560m-pageviews-a-month-25-servers-and-i.html The folks at Stack Overflow remain incredibly open about what they are doing and why. So it’s time for another update. What has Stack Overflow…
Experience comes when you give a try or do something, I worked in to many SharePoint development project but my last project was troubled me during the deployment on staging server. I really interested to share the learning with all of you. Recently…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/58wxa9w5(v=vs.120).aspx When you develop web projects in Visual Studio, you need a web server to test or run them. Visual Studio lets you test with different web servers, including IIS Express, Internet Inform…
CakeDC Git workflow是一个项目开发和版本发布的工作流,在这个工作流程中开发和版本发布周期是基于几个关键阶段(key phases): Development: 所有活跃的开发活动都由里程碑驱动,在这个阶段的产出是很不稳定的代码基线 QA: Quality assurance testing作为一开发周期的一部分,主要协助确保需求的满足性和质量的可接受性 Review 客户或者评审员面对的是一个稳定的代码基线,该基线已经经过了QA流程,质量上已经被QA人员认可 Release 发…
本文内容为转载,重新排版以供学习研究.如有侵权,请联系作者删除. 转载请注明本文出处:Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 - 40 ASP.NET Core ----------------------------------------------------------------------- What's In This Chapter? Understanding ASP.NET Core 1.0 and Web Technologies Using…
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/analysis-services/multidimensional-models-olap-logical-cube-objects/partitions-partition-storage-modes-and-processing The storage mode of a partition affects the query and processing performance, storage requireme…