1.alter the size and shape of the text 2.font-family:Arial, Verdana,"Times New Roman",helvetica,serif 3.font-size:vs h1 ;1px vs 1.5em 4.font-weitht:whether the text is bold or not bold/500,600,700 normal/100,200,300,400 lighter bolder 5.font-sty…
Jiaming Liu--[2019]Detecting Text in the Wild with Deep Character Embedding Network 论文 Jiaming Liu--[2019]Detecting Text in the Wild with Deep Character Embedding Network 作者 亮点 通过将文字的字符合并问题转成字符embedding问题,利用一个网络来学习字符间的连接关系 方法概述 针对任意文字检测(水平.倾斜.曲文),采用从…