出现这个问题的原因是这个程式有做版控,服务器上的版本比本机版本小 解决方式为:删除服务器上的版控或者本机版本改成与服务器一致即可…
It is related to the checksums which is used to ensure that you are stepping in matching source. You could disable it like this 找到Tools –> Options –> Debugging –> General,取消勾选“Require source files to exactly match the original version.”…
The Events module comes with directives that allow you to configure network mechanisms. Some of the parameters have an important impact on the application's performance. All of the directives listed in the following table must be placed in the events…
最近需要做一个项目 在arm 架构的linux下 没有桌面环境的情况下拉起 有界面的浏览器使用. 考虑用qt 的界面和 qtwebikt 的库去实现这一系列操作. 本文参考: Qt移植到ARM Linux教程:http://www.veryarm.com/930.html 成功移植qt软键盘和输入法到arm开发板的qt程序中:http://www.csdn1 2 3.com/html/mycsdn20140110/d1/d1ecf8c322c9447b049f2a71d12f5e87.html…
Qt4.8.6 configure 参数 不只是适用于Qt4.8.6,原则上适用于Qt4所有版本 Usage: configure [-h] [-prefix <dir>] [-prefix-install] [-bindir <dir>] [-libdir <dir>] [-docdir <dir>] [-headerdir <dir>] [-plugindir <dir> ] [-importdir <dir>] [-…
最近需要做一个项目 在arm 架构的linux下 没有桌面环境的情况下拉起 有界面的浏览器使用. 考虑用qt 的界面和 qtwebikt 的库去实现这一系列操作. 本文参考: Qt移植到ARM Linux教程:http://www.veryarm.com/930.html 成功移植qt软键盘和输入法到arm开发板的qt程序中:http://www.csdn1 2 3.com/html/mycsdn20140110/d1/d1ecf8c322c9447b049f2a71d12f5e87.html…
Go 1.11 Release Notes Introduction to Go 1.11 Changes to the language Ports WebAssembly RISC-V GOARCH values reserved Tools Modules, package versioning, and dependency management Import path restriction Package loading Build cache requirement Compile…
Malware Analysis Tutorial 8: PE Header and Export Table 2. Background Information of PE HeaderAny binary executable file (no matter on Unix or Windows) has to include a header to describe its structure: e.g., the base address of its code section, dat…
下载:     官网 www.delta3d.org 有些地方访问不了(试试这个代理: 3128),我在公司就访问不了,但是住的地方就可以.但是sourceforge是可以访问的. http://sourceforge.net/projects/delta3d/            源码: dt_win32_2.0.0.zip      依赖: dt_dep_vs8.0_xp_2.0.0.zip  (xp上有编译好的第三方库,vista上就惨了,我的本本就装了个安装版的…
Spring Data JPA - Reference Documentation Oliver GierkeThomas DarimontChristoph StroblMark PaluchVersion 2.0.4.RELEASE,2018-02-19 © 2008-2016 The original authors. Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, p…