The WebDriver implementation. class selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver(command_executor='', desired_capabilities=None, browser_profile=None, proxy=None, keep_alive=False) Bases: object Controls a browser by send…
class selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver.WebDriver(firefox_profile=None, firefox_binary=None, timeout=30, capabilities=None, proxy=None) Bases: selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver.WebDriver quit() Quits the driver and close every associated window.…
(转载) 1.3 打开测试页面 对页面对测试,首先要打开被测试页面的地址(如:,web driver 提供的get方法可以打开一个页面: // And now use thedriver to visit Google driver.get(""); 1.4 例子 package org.openqa.selenium.example; import org.openqa.selenium.By;…
This chapter cover all the interfaces of Selenium WebDriver. Recommended Import Style The API definitions in this chapter shows the absolute location of classes. However the recommended import style is as given below: from selenium import webdriver T…