Say we have installed qt programs and we want to run qtcreator from the command line. What we need here is only to put a soft link to the qtcreator we have just installed. Here are some simple precedures. Once the Qt program is installed, open up a t…
系统强制断电后,出现以下错误: /dev/sda3: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY 启动系统后在字符界面有两个选项,输入root密码进入维护模式或者输入Ctrl-D,现输入root密码登录系统,然后执行 fsck -y /dev/sda3 -y表示对所有的提问应答为yes,然后reboot重启即可. 小结:输入root密码进入维护模式,fsck -y /dev/所在分区,重启.…
就出现unexpected inconsistency run fsck manually这个问题了. 磁盘出问题,需要用 Fsck修复... 解决方案: 在命令行输入#mount | grep ”on /”得到你root用户所在分区/dev/your_partition,然后输入fsck -y /dev/your_partition即,检测并修复磁盘/dev/your_partition,-y 选项指定检测每个文件是自动输入yes重启,问题解决 我没去看,直接敲了 exit ,然后系统就又开始…
问题:在开机启动时,提示“unexpected inconsistency;RUN fsck MANUALLY”进不了系统 解决方法: fsck不仅可以对文件系统进行扫描,还能修正文件系统的一些问题,值得注意的是fsck扫描文件系统时一定要在单用户模式.修复模式或把设备umount后进行!!! 首先进行单用户模式或直接在那里输入root密码进入修复模式 再用命令fsck修复所提示出错的分区或磁盘: #fsck.ext4 -y /dev/sda2 ——>出错所在分区或磁盘 注:使用命令#df -T…
CentOS这两天服务器出了问题了,提示如下: unexpected inconsistency;RUN fsck MANUALLY An error occurred during the filesystem check Propping you to shell the system will reboot when you leave the shell Give root password for mantennance 从网上找了一些教程,立马就解决了,过程如下: 按照系统提示,输入…
dev/sda1:UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY;RUN fsck MANUALLY .(i.e. ,without -a or -p options)fsck died with exit status 4 在命令行输入#mount | grep ''on /''得到你root用户所在分区/dev/your_partition,然后输入fsck -y /dev/your_partition即,检测并修复磁盘/dev/your_partition,-y 选项指定检测每个文件是自…
今天一台虚拟机背后的物理机故障了,主机迁移后变成了 read only filesystem.上面部署了很多长连接服务,没有关掉就直接reboot,报错: unexpected inconsistency  RUN fsck MANUALLY.. 磁盘损坏了... 修复过程: 通过控制台登陆Linux: 在提示Give root password for mantennance后: 输入root密码.登陆到单机安全模式,然后: 1. 输入命令,查找根目录所在分区: mount |grep “on…
CentOS这两天服务器出了问题了,提示如下: unexpected inconsistency;RUN fsck MANUALLY An error occurred during the filesystem check Propping you to shell the system will reboot when you leave the shell Give root password for mantennance 从网上找了一些教程,立马就解决了,过程如下: 按照系统提示,输入…
docker Failed to get D-Bus connection 报错 原创憬薇2016-01-15 11:25:26评论(10)40278人阅读   在centos7的容器里面出现了一个BUG,就是serveice启动服务的时候出现报错,不能用service启动服务.[root@e13c3d3802d0 /]# service httpd startRedirecting to /bin/systemctl start  httpd.serviceFailed to get D-Bu…
Say we have a latest Blender extracted from the download package. We want to create a launcher for Blender so that we can start it from the Unity Dash or App Menu. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open terminal. When it opens, run command to create .desktop file…