The information below i get from Optimization at the database level Database performance depends on several factors at the database level, such as tables, queries, and configuration setti… I have tagged many of the better forum threads. 'Better' is based on how good I thing the answer was. (<bias> I wrote many, but not all, of the better answers. </bias>) -- Rick James, MySQL Geek The Best of t…
最近国外blog上看到的一片资源分享博文,精而全,于是转帖分享 Must-Read Books List First of all, I would like to share a list of books I believe every professional in our field should read at some point in their life. You may notice that many of these books are not too technical… Range Optimization MYSQL的Range Optimization的目的还是尽可能的使用索引 The range access method uses a single index to retrieve a subset of table rows that are contained within one or several index value intervals. It can be used for a single-part or multip…
catalog . 引言 . Mysql索引 . Mysql B/B+ Tree . Mysql SQL Optimization . MySQL Query Execution Process 1. 引言 在入侵检测(IDS).流量检测(Traffic Detection System).主动防御系统中,常常会需要使用到规则解析判断引擎,安全人员需要根据产品特性.暴露给用户态的接口.规则格式定义一些列的形式化规则(或者正则规则).这会带来一个问题 当规则条目不断增加时,如果采取从上至下逐条解析…
ORDER BY Optimization 某些情况下,MYSQL可以使用index排序而避免额外的sorting. 即使order by语句列不能准确的匹配index,只要没有index中(不在order by的列)在where语句以常量形式出现.(最左前缀) SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY key_part1,key_part2,... ; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE key_part1 = constant ORDER BY key_part2; SE…
table_factor的语法和标准sql比较,后者只接受table_reference,每个逗号项都等于一个inner Join,e.g. SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN (t2, t3, t4) ON (t2.a=t1.a AND t3.b=t1.b AND t4.c=t1.c) 等于: SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN (t2 CROSS JOIN t3 CROSS JOIN t4) ON (t2.a=t1.a AND t3.b=t1.b AND…
MySQL5.6中引入了MRR,专门来优化:二级索引的范围扫描并且需要回表的情况.它的原理是,将多个需要回表的二级索引根据主键进行排序,然后一起回表,将原来的回表时进行的随机IO,转变成顺序IO.文档地址: Reading rows using a range scan on a secondary index can result in many random disk ac…
1 官网下载wamp软件包,根据提示安装 2 目录结构: wamp: bin/为套件目录 包括mysql apache php log 日志记录 alias 配置 apps 数据库等 www 项目目录 3 出现505错误 Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Pl…
近来,发现好多公司对mysql的性能监控是通过show global status实现的,因此对于这个命令想要探究一番,看他是否是实时更新的. 在此之前,我们必须搞明白mysql对于这个命令的执行过程来确认它所显示的数据究竟是什么.是否实时更新以及是否准确.借这个机会,我们也可以了解客户端与mysql服务器是如何交互的以及对于SQL命令的一般执行过程.为此,我觉得这是一个很好的契机,当然中间也参考了好多人对于以前SQL版本的见解. 鉴于SQL命令的一般执行过程比较复杂,我仅仅叙述一个大概,虽然不…
索引下推整个思路如下: To see how this optimization works, consider first how an index scan proceeds when Index Condition Pushdown is not used: Get the next row, first by reading the index tuple, and then by using the index tuple to locate and read the full tab…
原文地址: 9.8.2 EXPLAIN Output Format The EXPLAIN statement provides information about the execution plan for a SELECT statement. EXPLAIN returns a row of information for each table used in the S…
MySQL的error log 出现大量的 DNS反解析错误. DNS解析是指,将 域名解析成ip地址: DNS反解析是指,将IP地址反解析成域名: Version: MySQL Community Server (GPL) :: [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known :: [Warning] IP address :: [Warning] IP address…