这两天一直在弄IIS的事,全都是报错,网上找了好多资料,也尝试了很多,终于在几分钟之前把困扰了我一周的麻烦给解决了,现整理出来,希望对大家有用,闲话少说,直接上图了 Server Error in '/' Application. Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review…
报错: Server Error in '/' Application.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review…
发布的时候遇到这个错误:Server Error in '/' Application. Could not load file or assembly 'SettingsProviderNet' or one of its dependencies. 试图加载格式不正确的程序. 等等,巴拉巴拉的东西,解决方案呢,在应用程序池里面找到对应的应用,点击高级设置,把32位应用程序设置为True,原因就是你的程序中引用的dll有的有可能是32位的…