总览 setmetamode [ meta|bit|metabit | esc|prefix|escprefix ] 描述 没有参数时, setmetamode 将打印当前 Meta 键模式; 有参数时, 设置所指出的 Meta 键模式. The Meta key mode is specific for each VT (and the VT corresponding to stdin is used). 选项 esc prefix escprefix The Meta key sends…
linux 命令中英文对照,收集   linux 命令英文全文 Is Linux CLI case-sensitive? The answer is, yes. If you try to run LS instead of ls, it would display an error. There are some advantages of using a case-sensitive command line. The computers that existed in earlier de…
Keep UINavigationBar at the top (Don't scroll with keyboard) (#21, #24) If you don't want to hide the default UINavigationBar of UINavigationController when keyboardManager slides up the view, then just change the UIView class to UIScrollView from th…
1.   key值最大长度? memcached的key的最大长度是250个字符,是memcached服务端的限制. 如果您使用的客户端支持"key的前缀"或类似特性,那么key(前缀+原始key)的最大长度是可以超过250个字符的. 我们推荐使用使用较短的key,因为可以节省内存和带宽.key只要不重复就行,如果太大浪费内存. 修改key大小: 修改memcached源文件.在memcached.h中定义key的长度,其代码为: #define KEY_MAX_LENGTH 250…
Spring的解析源码 public void parseMetaElements(Element ele, BeanMetadataAttributeAccessor attributeAccessor) { //获取当前节点的所有子元素 NodeList nl = ele.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nl.item(i); //提取meta if (isCandidateEle…
Using keyboard shortcuts To use a keyboard shortcut, press a modifier key at the same time as a character key. For example, pressing the Command key (it has a ⌘ symbol) and then the "c" key copies whatever is currently selected to the Clipboard.…
If anyone needs some basic encryption in software, here's one solution. This TEA implementation fits within less than 700 bytes. It's based on original TEA. P89LPC901 needs 300ms for 32 iterations. Compiled with "OPTIMIZE (9,SIZE)". #define _DEL…
作者:知乎用户链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/54773510/answer/146971644 meta属性是字典,字典格式即{'key':'value'},字典是一种可变容器模型,可存储任意类型对象. request中meta参数的作用是传递信息给下一个函数,这些信息可以是任意类型的,比如值.字符串.列表.字典......方法是把要传递的信息赋值给meta字典的键,分析见如下语句(爬虫文件): class example(scrapy.Spider): n…
作者:乌尔班链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/54773510/answer/146971644来源:知乎著作权归作者所有.商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处. Request中meta参数的作用是传递信息给下一个函数,使用过程可以理解成: 把需要传递的信息赋值给这个叫meta的变量, 但meta只接受字典类型的赋值,因此 要把待传递的信息改成“字典”的形式,即: meta={'key1':value1,'key2':value2} 如果想在下一个…
代码: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Input; namespace DriverEasyWPF.Utils { public class LicenseTextBox : T…