64bit assembly】的更多相关文章

Code: http://www.atelierweb.com/calling-64-bit-assembly-language-functions-lodged-inside-the-delphi-source-code/ http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/262819/Finally-Bit-Delphi-is-here-and-with-Bit-BASM One thing you will notice immediately by looking…
16个通用寄存器: %rax %rbx %rcx %rdx %rsi %rdi %rbp %rsp %r8 %r9 %r10 %r11 %r12 %r13 %r14 %r15…
je if equal then jmp jg if the second gt the first, then jmp jge if the second ge the first, then jmp jl if the second lt the first, then jmp jle if the second le the first, then jmp AT&T 64-bit assembly how to call library like printf? The code show…
This document is the user manual for the Yasm assembler. It is intended as both an introduction and a general-purpose reference for all Yasm users. 1. Introduction Yasm is a BSD-licensed assembler that is designed from the ground up to allow for mult…
While 64-bit x86 processors have now been on the market for more than 5 years, software support is only slowly catching on. 64-bit x86, or x86-64 as its inventors at AMD called it, not only offers programmers the ability to manipulate and address dat…
注:写在前面,这是一篇翻译文章,本人的英文水平很有限,但内嵌汇编是学习操作系统不可少的知识,本人也常去查看这方面的内容,本文是在做mit的jos实验中的一篇关于内嵌汇编的介绍.关于常用的内嵌汇编(AT&T格式)的语法都有介绍,同时在篇末还列出了常用的一些内嵌汇编代码的写法.看了很有益处.大牛就不必看了.当然非常欢迎对文章中的翻译错误或不当之处进行指正. ps:这是这篇文章的原地址:http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/brennan/brennan_att_inlin…
This's my first version.The logic is simple, just the selection sort. I spent much time learning how to write AT&T assembly on 64-bit Linux.almost all books just talk about 32-bit assembly. Such as registers, on 64-bit linux, rax, rbx, rcx..... are a…
Could not load type 'System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule' from assembly 'System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' 问题描述: 再windows server 2008 r2 环境下搭建.net网站 ,运行是IIS7.0提示以上问题 解决方案: 这里需要注册一下ASP.NET 4.…
Assembly on x86_64 Linux Some instructions in Intel assembly set are invalid in x86_64 env. e.g. aaa push eax ... Solutions Use 64-bit instructions instead.(You can refer to Intel developer manual) Add 32-bit options: For nasm: nasm -f elf32 xxx.asm…
By brant-ruan Yeah, I feel very happy When you want to give up, think why you have held on so long. Just fight. Somebody may ask you: Why would you want to do that? Yeah, because I want to know how it works. Assembly language programming is about mem…
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>InstallUtil.exe C:\_PRODUKCIJA\Debug\DynamicHtmlTool.exeMicrosoft(R).NET FrameworkInstallation utility Version4.0.30319.1Copyright(c)MicrosoftCorporation.  All rights reserved. Exception occurred while…
https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/CocoaTouch64BitGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40013501-CH1-SW1 Table 1-1  Size and alignment of integer data types in OS X and iOS Integer data type…
ref:http://www.coranac.com/tonc/text/asm.htm 23.1. Introduction Very broadly speaking, you can divide programming languages into 4 classes. At the lowest level is machine code: raw numbers that the CPU decodes into instructions to execute. One step u…
原文链接 Could you be missing the loaded assembly from your configuration file? Ensure you have something similar to the following within your web.config. NuGet would normally do this but maybe it hasn't and it doesn't know what to load in <dependentAsse…
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/assembly/file-format .NET defines a binary file format - "assembly" - that is used to fully-describe and contain .NET programs. Assemblies are used for the programs themselves as well as any depen…
最近做一个winform项目,因为数据库用的表很少,所以用的是轻量级数据库sqlite.sqlite的优点很多,但是他要分两个版本,32位或者64位,不能同时兼容. 我遇到的问题是,我在开发端用的是.net4.5的开发版本的dll: Precompiled Binaries for 64-bit Windows(.NET Framework 4.5) 我在开发端直接调用这个dll都是OK的,没有问题.但是我把程序部署到客户机上的时候,就会出现报错 Could not load file or a…
背景: 不久前,我发布了一个调试工具:发布:.NET开发人员必备的可视化调试工具(你值的拥有) 效果是这样的: 之后,有小部分用户反映,工具用不了(没反应或有异常)~~~ 然后,建议小部分用户换个电脑环境试试,有些就好了~~~ 于是,我假定是VS环境下的 Microsoft.VisualStudio.DebuggerVisualizers.dll 的版本不一致引发的. 因此,一般我都建议用户自己下载源码,重新引用去编绎一下!!! 由于该工具一直在CSDN论坛的VB.NET版块置顶着. 考虑到受众…
ASP.NET Core 引用外部程序包的时候,有时会出现下面的错误: The type 'Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. Sample.Infrastructure..NETStan…
有一段时间没有用到AnkhSvn了,今天工作需要安装了一下.结果安装到一半就无法继续了,提示An error occurred during the installation of assembly 'Microsoft.VC90.CRT,publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",version="9.0.30729.6161",processorArchitecture="x86",type="win32&q…
1.安装HLA 最新版的hla汇编器可在这里下载,支持MacOs,Linux,Windows平台 2.安装步骤 将下载好的hla程序包放在Mac根目录下 最重要的一步是设置好环境变量,打开Mac根目录下的 .bash_profile 加入以下环境变量 export hlalib="$HOME/hla/hlalib/" export hlainc="$HOME/hla/include/" export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/hla/"…
概述 一直以来,我们都在用C#编写程序,编写程序的时候,我们用到继承.多态.接口以及泛型,我们也都明白子类可以继承抽象类,并能够重写父类的抽象方法,可是大家是否想过,如下几个问题: 1.凡树必有根和叶,类的继承也如此,如何通过程序集查找所有继承父类的之类的程序集名称? 2.如果程序B被其他程序调用,如何通过程序集查询调用B的所有程序? 3.如何查询当前项目通过添加引用了哪些程序集? 带上上面的三个问题,我们来学习下.NET 程序集 Assembly. 查询继承父类的程序集合BaseType .N…
IIS启动网站后报错: configuration error Could not load file or assembly 'crystaldecisions.reportappserver.clientdoc,...' 解决办法:下载SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4 (32-bit) CrystalReportForVS_13_0_4.exe (http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjrvCYT)…
页面加载时出现这个错误: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. 下载这个文件安装即可: Microsoft Report Vie…
64位的系统,64位的myeclipse,64位的jdk,64位的tomcat,结果报错:Can't load IA 64-bit .dll on a AMD 32-bit platform,简直无语 换了32位的tomcat,结果又报错:Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform..... 解决办法:找到32位的tomcat文件夹下bin\tcnative-1.dll,替换成64位的tcnative-1.dll,就好了…
Now the security has a trend to become more and more important in our daily work, hence I did some researches on some of the topics, and hope to do more fooling around in the future. In CLR v1.x, there is a concept of identity permission, where we ca…
最近把一些东西开始往Linux迁移了,因为老系统大部分都是.NET,所以直接使用Mono,代码一般都使用MonoDevelop把代码重新编译,把一些WMI和windows DLL调用改Linux的os调用,这些都是好说,网上很多教程,但是最郁闷的关于WebService问题,把自己的dll丢过去就报下面错误,单独的ASMX文件里面写代码没问题,好奇怪. System.Web.Compilation.CompilationException CS1703: An assembly with the…
错误: Could not load type 'System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute' from assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c 调试或者在安装了VS2012的电脑上运行没事,但在干净的环境下,就报这个错误. 解决: 查了一下AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute,是.net framework4.…
本博客主要用于在Ubuntu14.04 64bit 操作系统上搭建google开源的深度学习框架tensorflow. 0.安装CUDA和cuDNN 如果要安装GPU版本的tensorflow,就必须先安装CUDA和cuDNN,请参考Caffe学习笔记2--Ubuntu 14.04 64bit 安装Caffe(GPU版本). 1.安装tensorflow github上下载已经编译好的.whl文件. 输入如下, sudo pip install tensorflow-0.8.0-cp27-non…
0.检查配置 1. VMWare上运行的Ubuntu,并不能支持真实的GPU(除了特定版本的VMWare和特定的GPU,要求条件严格,所以我在VMWare上搭建好了Caffe环境后,又重新在Windows 7 64bit系统上安装了Ubuntu 14.04 64bit系统,链接在此,以此来搭建Caffe GPU版本): 2. 确定GPU支持CUDA 输入: lspci | grep -i nvidia 显示结果: 我的是GTX 650,然后到http://developer.nvidia.com…