题目链接:点这 github链接:(包含数据和代码,题解):点这 链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/104/E来源:牛客网 题目描述 (受限于评测机,此题数据范围与现场赛不一致,请谅解) Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named TQM, and a handsome prince named GSS. One day, the prince would like to visit…
题目描述:链接点此 这套题的github地址(里面包含了数据,题解,现场排名):点此 链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/104/D来源:牛客网 题目描述 Do you remember Kanna-chan we met last year? She is so cute, and this year, she entered middle school, with Cirno. As we know, Cirno is bad at math, s…
如下图这是“今日头条杯”首届湖北省大学程序设计竞赛的第一题,作为赛后补题 题目描述:链接点此 这套题的github地址(里面包含了数据,题解,现场排名):点此 Let  be a regualr triangle, and D is a point in the triangle. Given the angle of . Then let AD, CD and BD form a new triangle, what is the size of the three angles? 输入描述:…
题目描述:链接点此 这套题的github地址(里面包含了数据,题解,现场排名):点此 链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/104/H来源:牛客网 题目描述 Mingming, a cute girl of ACM/ICPC team of Wuhan University, is alone since graduate from high school. Last year, she used a program to match boys and…
题目描述:链接点此 这套题的github地址(里面包含了数据,题解,现场排名):点此 题目描述 由于系统限制,C题无法在此评测,此题为现场赛的D题 Who killed Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow,I killed Cock Robin. Who saw him die? I, said the Fly.With my little eye,I saw him die. Who caught his blood?…
题目描述:链接点此 这套题的github地址(里面包含了数据,题解,现场排名):点此 题目描述 Given n positive integers , your task is to calculate the product of these integers, The answer is less than 输入描述: The first line of input is an integer n, the i-th of the following n lines contains the…
链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/283/H来源:牛客网 题目描述 由于临近广西大学建校90周年校庆,西大开始了喜闻乐见的校园修缮工程! 然后问题出现了,西大内部有许许多多的道路,据统计有N栋楼和M条道路(单向),每条路都有“不整洁度”W,现在校方想知道从S楼到T楼的所有路径中,“不整洁度”乘积最小是多少. 由于答案可能很大,所以你需要将最后的答案对109+7取模. 输入描述: 第一行为四个整数N.M.S.T,意义如上. 第2至第M+1行每行表示一条道…
链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/121/I来源:牛客网 题目描述 ACM竞赛队内要开运动会啦!!!! 竞赛队内的一群阳光乐观积极的队员们迅速的在操场上站成了一支队伍准备开始热身运动.但教练看了一眼觉得队伍高高低低很不整齐. 教练想让大家从低到高站好,每次教练可以任选择一个人令他走到队首,教练想知道他要最少要进行几次这样的操作才能把队伍按从低到高排整齐(身高最低的人站在队首). 输入描述: 第一行输入N(N<=1000)代表一共有N个队员第二行输入N…
sb找规律. 分解因数. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define LL long long #define fi first #define se second #define mk make_pair using namespace std; ; +; const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f; const LL INF=0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f; ; int f[N]; bool prime[N]; void init() { memset(pr…
链接:https://www.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/121/J来源:牛客网 题目描述 大家知道,黑猫有很多的迷弟迷妹,当然也有相亲相爱的基友,这其中就有一些二五仔是黑猫的小老弟.小老弟是如何产生的呢?聪明的iko告诉黑猫,其实是有规律的(她怎么知道???)! 一开始,有两个原始二五仔,代号0/1和1/1, 从原始二五仔到第n代小老弟,每代相邻两个小老弟a/b和c/d,产生一个新的小老弟(a+c)/(b+d),成为下一代新成员.将每一代的小老弟代号约分(包括0/1,1/…