Click Element At Coordinates关键字通过一个具体的坐标点,来模拟点击一个Element,该关键字接收两个参数[ coordinate_X | coordinate_Y ]. 示例1:这里依旧采用上面使用的APP界面来做操作示例,使用Click Element At Coordinates关键字来模拟点击一个button按钮,输入button按钮所在的坐标. Open Application http://localhost:4723/wd/hub platform…
Wait and Click Element [Documentation] 等待元素出现并单击元素 [Arguments] ${locator} Wait Until Element Is Visible ${locator} 10s # Sleep 0.5s Click Element ${locator} Wait For Page Ready( Sleep 0.5s)…
Description: Find out the DDL in Treegrid, but cannot click on it.Because the element is under a hidden element. Have tried all below solutions: 1); 2) SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, theDDL); 3) Actions action = new Actions(driver); acti…
function invokeClick(element) { if (; //判断是否支持click() 事件 else if (element.fireEvent) element.fireEvent('onclick'); //触发click() 事件 else if (document.createEvent) { var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); //创建c…; //Click element SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, saveButtonEl); //If click() is not applicable ,try this one txtEmail.clear(); //Clear text box before send keys to it txtEmail.sendKeys(“”); //…
在跑自动化时,页面上有2个下拉框,两个下拉框无论屏蔽哪一段都会成功,但是同时放开跑时会报错,百度给的解释是上面的下拉框元素覆盖了下面下拉框的元素定位,才会导致报错 百度的解决办法有2种: element = driver.find_element_by_css('div[class*="loadingWhiteBox"]')driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element) element = driver…