一.基本信息 标题:SAwUML – UML-based, contractual software architectures and their formal analysis using SPIN 时间:2018 出版源:Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 领域分类:软件架构:UML:按合同设计:PROMELA;正式验证 二.研究背景 问题定义:基于UML的合同软件体系结构及其使用SPIN的形式分析 难点:复杂的设计决策,了解SAwUML, 相…
w Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures  http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/top.htm Fielding Dissertation: CHAPTER 5: Representational State Transfer (REST)  http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/…
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Hybrid transaction memory systems and accompanying methods. A transaction to be executed is received, and an initial attempt is made to execute the transaction in a hardware path. Upon a failure to successfully execute the transaction in the hardware…
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共四个 Chapter,持续输出中. 参考资料: UML软件建模技术-基于IBM RSA工具(清华大学出版社) UML2.0基础与RSA建模实例教程(人民邮电) 面向对象葵花宝典(李运华)(电子工业出版社) 火球--UML大战需求分析(第二版)(张传波 ) 吉林大学统一建模语言及工具 ppt Why we modeling and What is UML Why We Modeling What is a model? A model is a simplification of reality…
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