UVa 11462 Age Sort】的更多相关文章

Age Sort You are given the ages (in years) of all people of a country with at least 1 year of age. You know that no individual in that country lives for 100 or more years. Now, you are given a very simple task of sorting all the ages in ascending ord…
You are given the ages (in years) of all people of a country with at least 1 year of age. You know that no individual in that country lives for 100 or more years. Now, you are given a very simple task of sorting all the ages in ascending order. Input…
内存不够用,用计数排序可以解决问题. #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include<string> #include<cmath> #include<map> #include<set> #include<vector> #include<list> #include<…
★   输入文件:AgeSort.in   输出文件:AgeSort.out   简单对比时间限制:1 s   内存限制:2 MB [题目描述] Mr.Zero(CH)喜闻乐见地得到了一台内存大大增强的 OI型 Apple Ⅱ,可以运行C,C++,和Pascal!为了炫耀这台高端的计算机,Mr.Zero决心将邻居们的年龄(0≤Age[i]≤120)统计后进行统计.但是,古董终究是古董,Mr.Zero拥有最多n个邻居(n≤2,400,000)但是计算机所能运行程序时的内存限制竟然达到了2MB.请你…
例题17  年龄排序(Age Sort, UVa 11462)照从小到大的顺序输出. [输入格式] 输入包含多组测试数据.每组数据的第一行为整数n(0<n≤2 000 000),即居民总数:下一行包含n个不小于1.不大于100的整数,即各居民的年龄.输入结束标志为n=0. 输入文件约有25MB,而内存限制只有2MB. [输出格式] 对于每组数据,按照从小到大的顺序输出各居民的年龄,相邻年龄用单个空格隔开. 效率对比: 输入输出挂 inline int readint() { char c = g…
B Age Sort Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output   You are given the ages (in years) of all people of a country with at least 1 year of age. You know that no individual in that country lives for 100 or more years. Now, you are given a very si…
题 题意 给你最多2000000个数据,大小是1到99的数,让你排序输出. 分析 快排也可以过.不过这题本意是要基数排序(桶排序),就是读入年龄age, a[age]++,然后输出时,从1到99岁(看清范围,我看成1到100了TAT)有几个就输出几次.这题还有注意格式,最后不要空格,然后换行. 代码 #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> int n,a[100],age,ok; int main() { while(scanf("%d&qu…
                                       Silly Sort Your younger brother has an assignment and needs some help. His teacher gave him a sequence ofnumbers to be sorted in ascending order. During the sorting process, the places of two numbers can beinter…
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