本文主要介绍如何添加一个custom application page as site welcome page 1.首先创建一个sharepoint 2013 empty solution, add a custom application page(farm only)named MyHomePage. 2.自定义这个MyHomePage,显示所需信息,包括后台代码的编辑. 3.更改MyHomePage.aspx页面首页<%@ Assembly Name="$SharePoint.Pr…
应用场景: 有时候我们的站点需要在每个页面实现滚动文字的通知,怎么在不修改Master Page的情况下实现这个功能?我们可以使用Javascript 和 Custom Action 来实现. 创建一个Custom Action.主要使用到 Location = 'ScriptLink' 属性, 该属性可以动态的加载JavaScript 文件链接和代码块到模板页.代码如下: <Elements xmlns="…
一.使用场景 在传统的ASP.NET MVC中,我们可以使用HandleErrorAttribute特性来具体指定如何处理Action抛出的异常.只要某个Action设置了HandleErrorAttribute特性,那么默认的,当这个Action抛出了异常时MVC将会显示Error视图,该视图位于~/Views/Shared目录下. 自定义错误页面的目的,就是为了能让程序在出现错误/异常的时候,能够有较好的显示体验.有时候在Error视图中也会发生错误,这时ASP.NET/MVC将会显示其默认…
本文转自: 阅读目录 一.使用场景 二..NET Core实现 三.源代码 回到目录 一.使用场景 在传统的ASP.NET MVC中,我们可以使用HandleErrorAttribute特性来具体指定如何处理Action抛出的异常.只要某个Action设置了HandleErrorAttribute特性,那么默认的,当这个Action抛出了异常时MVC将会显示Error视图,该视图位于~/Views…
创建自定义主页 Creating a custom home page 为你的网站创建一个自定义的主页是一个让你从人群中脱颖而出的好方法,并把你自己独特的印记存放在你的网上.本教程向您展示了如何在Ghost中自定义和开发自己的自定义主页. Creating a custom home page for your site is a great way to set yourself apart from the crowd and put your own unique stamp on you…
OverView In this post,I want to show u how to add a look up column in my list or library that looks up data which comes from a list or library of another site. I have to say,it is a awesome Function and easy for sharepoint end users.So,Let me guide y…
The Enterprise Search Center requires that the Publishing feature be enabled. To enable the Publishing feature, follow these steps: Click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings. Under Site Collection Administration, click the Site collection feat…
I had created a site collection. But there is a problem of web-frontend server (I did not know when I created the site), so the page is always in processing. After waiting 40 mins, I closed the page. When the problem of web-frontend server solved, I…
在之前的文章中,通过SharePoint Central Administration 创建了Web Application.在这篇文章中将继续SharePoint 2013之旅——还是以Step By Step的形式演示如何在SharePoint 2013中创建Site Collection(网站集),首先梳理下知识点. Site Collection Site Collection是Sites(网站)的集合. Site Collection最大可以包含250000个Sites和Sub Sit…
In this post I will introduce a way how to run a script for backing up SharePoint data which could be scheduled to run automatically. Step 1:Create a PowerShell Script for Backing up a site collection param([string] $site,[string] $dir,[string] $type…
通过PowerShell创建SharePoint Site Collection,代码如下: Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell function CreateTeamSite() { $webApps = Get-SPWebApplication $webAppsUrl = $webApps.Url ) { Write-Host "You have only one web application:" Write-Host $we…
在SharePoint 2010中可以使用Management Shell 为新建的Site Collection 创建自己的DB. 在 Shell中执行如下命令: 1. $w = get-spwebapplication  http://yoursite     (yoursite为你所要新建的SiteCollection 所在WebApplication中的SiteCollection) 2. New-SPContentDatabase "Your DB Name" -Databa…
转: 在sharepoint 2010的页面中,我们发现,没有页尾,如果我们需要给页面添加一个footer,有一个办法可以做到,就是修改母板页master page, 如果默认的母板页是v4.master,那就修改v4.master. 在v4.master中找到"<SharePoint:DeveloperDashboard runat="server"/>…
On SharePoint 2013 you can not add the Web Parts to the master page the same way of 2010. Please use the Design Manager -> Snippet Gallery. In short: You must wrap the Register tag with: <!--SPM: register tag --> Like this: <!--SPM:<%@Regis…
转: <!-- =====  页面滚动区域开始  ============================================================ --> <!-- 这两个div 用来创建页面的主体的滚动区域,应该保持原样如果你想把ribbon放在顶部 these two div id's are used to setup the main scrolling p…
转: 以下所有的内容都是根据Randy Drisgill (MVP SharePoint Server)的starter mater page for sharepoint 2010 中的注释写的. 参考:所有内容是自己看的时候的笔记,以便记忆. <!-- 机器人--> <SharePoint:RobotsMe…
转: <!-- =====  开始Ribbon ============================================================ --> <div id="s4-ribbonrow" class="s4-pr s4-ribbonrowhidetitle"> <div id="s4-ribb…
转: Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 中主要有两种类型的页面,分别是应用程序页(Application Page) 和网站页(Site Page). 应用程序页(Application Page) 和网站页(Site Page)都从同一母版页继承其布局. 应用程序页(Application Page)与传统的 Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 网页最为相似.但是,应用程序…
JS部分: <script type="text/javascript"> function PeoplePicker() { var siteCollUrl = _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl; var searchString = $("#txtPeoplePicker").val(); var sDialogUrl = siteCollUrl + '/_layouts/15/Picker.aspx' + '?M…
遇到如下webpart莫名错误,很常见吧.一般用户是直接删掉,知道原因的不算太多. 解决办法(Solution): Usually, This error caused by wrong entries under <SafeControl> section in web.config. Remember, Web.config is case sensitive. Instead of "TypeName" if you place "typename"…
转: <!-- 处理搜索按下"enter"键和点击后退按钮 --> <input type="text" name="__spDummyText1" style="display:none;" size="1"/> <input type="text" nam…
转: <!-- form digest  安全控件用来进行form的安全校验--> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderFormDigest" runat="server"> <SharePoint:FormDigest runat="server"/> </asp…
We are not finishing yet... 1. Under MIGX Management, we need to add some "Actionbuttons" 2. Also some "contextmenus": 3. Add some 'columns' to the forms, the fields of the columns should match the fields in database (or xml schema): F…
BIG FUCK for MODx MODx document is not that good  ...  at least in my opint of view. I spend hours to search martirals to find out how to build a CMP by using MIGX in MODX 2.3. The officail doument are written for 2.2, but since 2.3, it changed a lot…
创建自定义 ASP.NET Web 服务…
最近使用SharePoint中,遇到一个需要重命名网站集的需求,主要是网站用数据库备份/还原的方式,想要改网站集的地址,然后搜了一下PowerShell: $site = Get-SPSite -Identity "http://server/sites/Demo" $site.rename("http://server/sites/Demo2") 特别,如果回收站里有东西,会报一个Error,清理一下回收站即可: 清理回收站的时候,记得清理三个地方,网站回收站.网…
先需要将自定义的站点模版从网站集转移到Farm中. 找一个自己已经完成配置及设计的网站,在网站设置里面选择另存为模版.要注意的是不是所有的站点类型都有另存为模版的功能. 存完之后可在解决方案库的界面里面看到刚刚保存的模版,点击下载到本地 下载到本地之后用VisualStudio创建项目中的Import Solution Package项目模版创建项目并打开此文件 打开项目中的Feature3,然后将Scope选择为Farm,其他不需要改. 然后发布即可 执行Powershell语句,由于我的模版…
1. 详细操作可参考此文章 的 Deployment and configuration for host-named site collections区域,简单来说,需要以下三行PowerShell脚本: //创建一个不包含host header的web applicationNew-SPWebApplication -Name 'Contoso Sites' -port 80 -ApplicationPool ContosoAppPool -ApplicationPoolAccount (G…
Question 45 You are designing a branding strategy for a customer with a new SharePoint 2010 server farm. The branding strategy you recommend must enable each department in the company to customize sites with their specific branding preferences. The d…