Hi,Joy, I am sorry that my Porsche Piwis Tester II from your shop said “No VCI has been detected” when I was trying to read car ECU. I bought the tool last month and it was the first time that I used it. I tested the USB cable and it worked ok. Is th…
Some of my customers let me recommended which auto diagnostic tool is good for Porsche , I recommend Porsche Piwis Tester ii for all of you who also have any request. By the way  , we have a big promotion for it on this month , you can buy it with la…
Porsche piwis tester ii is the latest professional tester for Porshe,the most poweful diagnose and offline programming tool for Porsche,with latest tester for Porsche,powerful functions,full access Porsche Piwis Tester II Functions: 1. Read/clear err…
Porsche Piwis Tester II is the latest inspect equipment of Porsche Company. This is the latest professional tester for Porshe, it is the Next Generation of PIWIS Tester KTS520. Porsche Piwis Tester II can help you diagnose and program the most new an…
Piwis Tester II v12.100 Version released today! In this new version we can find the latest type Porsche car which is able to be diagnostic till 2014 year. This is 2013.4 version software. How to upgrade the Piwis tester II from old version: If you pu…
Porsche Piwis Tester II is the latest professional tester for Porshe,the most poweful diagnose and offline programming tool for Porsche,with latest tester for Porsche,powerful functions,full access . Piwis Tester II with CF30 Laptop (Second Hand Lapt…
V18.100 Piwis Tester II Diagnostic Tool For Porsche With CF30 Laptop High Quality Top 7 Reasons to Get Porsche Piwis Tester II 1. Software Version: V18.100 (Return back the hdd for update,or can update directly, update cost is different according to…
Porsche Piwis online programming account service is piwis porsche subscription and piwis tester 2 online coding service offer via teamviewer. Porsche piwis coding account need to work with autonumen.com Porsche PIWIS tester 2 diagnostic tool. Porsche…
Allscanner VXDIAG Porsche Piwis III with Lenovo T440P Laptop  Porsche Piwis tester III V37.250.020 NOTE: 1.Allscanner VXDIAG Porsche Piwis III has the same functions with Porsche Piwis 2.If you want to do online programming,you must have an account o…
Porsche piwis tester 2 Help Devices: SERP automatio tranny, air-conditioner, SRS, ABDOMINAL MUSCLES, ASR, MPL, GM, Authentic antitheft Program, KEYLESS MOVE program, OBDII program. Porsche Piwis Tester II Options: a single. Read/clear fault program c…
Porsche Piwis tester 3 PT3G VCI with V37.250.020 Piwis 3 Software unlimited license installed on Full new Panasonic CF-54 laptop ready to use new release for Piwis III diagnostics and with Porsche PPN subscription for Porsche Online  programming. Wha…
Category : Car Diagnostic Tools What’s the difference between Porsche Tester Piwis III original and clone: The genuine and copy differ in hardware only. They share the same functions and features. look here: original piwis tester 3: clone piwis 3: ht…
The preload value of the <link> element's rel attribute allows you to write declarative fetch requests in your HTML <head>, specifying resources that your pages will need very soon after loading, which you therefore want to start preloading ea…
Microsoft this week announced a series of changes to the security baseline in Windows 10, including the removal of the password-expiration policy from the platform. Set to come into effect with the next Windows 10 feature update (Windows 10 version 1…
Android device details are being exposed to running applications via Wi-Fi broadcasts in the mobile operating system, Nightwatch Cybersecurity has discovered. The exposed information includes the WiFi network name, BSSID, local IP addresses, DNS serv…
Google this week released the November 2018 set of security patches for its Android platform, which address tens of Critical and High severity vulnerabilities in the operating system. The addressed issues include remote code execution bugs, elevation…
前言2018年9月26日,开源Closure库(最初由谷歌创建并用于谷歌搜索)的一名开发人员创建了一个提交,删除了部分输入过滤.据推测,这是因为开发人员在用户界面设计方面出现了问题.但此次提交的开发人员以及审核人员并未发现这一举动将会导致XSS.2019年2月,安全研究员Masato Kinugawa发现了这个漏洞,并将其报告给了Google.Google立即做出反应,并在2019年2月22日修复了漏洞,撤销了之前9月份做的修改.另一位安全专家LiveOverflow详细描述了如何导致XSS.…
现代项目开发和资产管理方法正在不停地快速变化.在这场创新和扩张的竞赛中,新资产被迅速部署并暴露于公共互联网,已有资产也在不断发展. 要跟上这个不断变化的攻击面是很难的,更不用说保护这些应用程序和系统了.传统的基于时间点和静态的安全措施根本无法奏效,在这种动态环境中主动管理威胁似乎是一项不可能完成的任务. 解决这个问题的唯一方法是持续化的安全评估和资产感知.我们在用持续安全平台(Continuous Security Platform)监控大型攻击面时,经常发现由资产结构变更导致的新的或未发现的漏…
6.7 Drag and dropSupport: dragndropChrome for Android NoneChrome 4+iOS Safari 11.0+UC Browser for Android NoneFirefox 3.5+Samsung Internet NoneIE (limited) 5.5+Safari 3.1+Edge 18+Opera Mini NoneOpera 12+Android Browser None Source: caniuse.com This s…
题目链接:Path Sum II | LeetCode OJ Given a binary tree and a sum, find all root-to-leaf paths where each path's sum equals the given sum. For example: Given the below binary tree and sum = 22, 5 / \ 4 8 / / \ 11 13 4 / \ / \ 7 2 5 1 return [ [5,4,11,2],…
题目链接:Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II | LeetCode OJ Follow up for problem "Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node". What if the given tree could be any binary tree? Would your previous solution still work? Note: You may only u…
原文标题:Functional Android (II): Collection operations in Kotlin 原文链接:http://antonioleiva.com/collection-operations-kotlin/ 原文作者:Antonio Leiva(http://antonioleiva.com/about/) 原文发布:2015-09-29 在简化代码方面,Lambda表达式是一个杰出的工具,而且还可以完成之前不可能完成的事.我们在这个系列文章的第一篇(Unlea…
统计分析中Type I Error与Type II Error的区别 在统计分析中,经常提到Type I Error和Type II Error.他们的基本概念是什么?有什么区别? 下面的表格显示 between truth/falseness of the null hypothesis and outcomes of the test " -------|-------|------- | Judgement of Null Hypothesis H0 | Valid | Invalid |…
题意: 给你一个数n,表示有n辆火车,编号从1到n,入站,问你有多少种出站的可能.    (题于文末) 知识点: ps:百度百科的卡特兰数讲的不错,注意看其参考的博客. 卡特兰数(Catalan):前几项为 : 1, 1, 2, 5, 14, 42, 132, 429, 1430, 4862, 16796, 58786, 208012, 742900, 2674440, 9694845, 35357670- 令h(0)=1,h(1)=1,catalan数满足递推式:      h(n)= h(0…
We are playing the Guess Game. The game is as follows: I pick a number from 1 to n. You have to guess which number I picked. Every time you guess wrong, I'll tell you whether the number I picked is higher or lower. However, when you guess a particula…
A 2d grid map of m rows and n columns is initially filled with water. We may perform an addLand operation which turns the water at position (row, col) into a land. Given a list of positions to operate, count the number of islands after each addLand o…
Given a string s, return all the palindromic permutations (without duplicates) of it. Return an empty list if no palindromic permutation could be form. For example: Given s = "aabb", return ["abba", "baab"]. Given s = "a…
Given a collection of numbers that might contain duplicates, return all possible unique permutations. For example,[1,1,2] have the following unique permutations:[1,1,2], [1,2,1], and [2,1,1]. 这道题是之前那道Permutations 全排列的延伸,由于输入数组有可能出现重复数字,如果按照之前的算法运算,会有…
原文 Some fresh air After your time underground,you can return to ground level or maybe even a little higher at Kosciuszko Mound. The 34-meter hill is a memorial for a Polish military hero but also offers a panoramic view of surrounding city from top.…
Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i. Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete as many transactions as you like (ie, buy one and sell one share of the stock multiple times). Ho…