Why do it? Sometimes we need a non-windowed component (i.e. one that isn't derived fromTWinControl) to receive Windows messages. To receive messages the component needs a window handle, but a non-window…
Why do it? Sometimes we need a non-windowed component (i.e. one that isn't derived fromTWinControl) to receive Windows messages. To receive messages the component needs a window handle, but a non-windowed component hasn't got one! This article is abo…
In some cases, you might need to pass a string from your intl messages.js file as a prop to a component. Instead of using react-intl components (which generate markup), we’ll use the injectIntl higher order component provided by react-intl. This will…
为什么要这样做? 有时候我们需要一个非窗口组件(比如一个非继承自TWinContrl的组件)可以接受Windows消息.要接受消息就需要一个窗口句柄,但是非窗口组件却没有句柄.这篇文章将讲述怎么让一个没有句柄的组件如何通过一个隐藏的窗口接受消息 这是怎么做到的? 例如我的剪贴板查看组件就是一个不可视的组件.这个窗体可以接收提供信息关于更改剪贴板的消息. Delphi库里面的AllocateHWnd函数可以帮助我们创建一个隐藏的窗口,同时与之相关的DeallocateHWnd函数可以释放当我们使用…
WebWorker 是什么? 为 JavaScript 引入线程技术 不必再用 setTimeout().setInterval().XMLHttpRequest 来模拟并行 Worker 利用类似线程的消息传递实现并行.这非常适合您确保对 UI 的刷新.性能以及对用户的响应. Web Worker 的三大主要特征:能够长时间运行(响应),理想的启动性能以及理想的内存消耗. 它允许在 Web 程序中并发执行多个 JavaScript 脚本,每个脚本执行流都称为一个线程,彼此间互相独立,并且有浏览… Windows messages are a key ingredient in communication between Windows and (your) applications and also in communication between (two…
ValidateExternalMetadata Property Indicates whether the component validates its column metadata against its external data source at design time. When this property is true, the component connects to its external data source during design time and val…
转载自 How PhoneGap Works As we mentioned previously, a PhoneGap application is a “native-wrapped” web application. Let’s explore how the web application is “wrapped”. Many native…
Microsoft Win32 to Microsoft .NET Framework API Map .NET Development (General) Technical Articles     Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio User Education TeamsMicrosoft Corporation January 2004 Applies to:    Microsoft® .NET Framework…
from: 我们平时在VS.net里引用的那些类库就是从这里来的 The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types that provides access to system functionality and is designed to be the foundat… the performance of LinkedLists and ArrayLists (and Vectors) (Page last updated May 2001, Added 2001-06-18, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Tips: ArrayList is faster than…
Tomcat Clustering - A Step By Step Guide Apache Tomcat is a great performer on its own, but if you're expecting more traffic as your site expands, or are thinking about the best way to provide high availability, you'll be happy to know that Tomcat al…
debug aaa accounting through debug auto-config debug aaa accounting : to display information on accountable events as they occur(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug aaa accounting : to disable debugging output debug aaa authentication : to display info…
收集的两个托盘程序: 1. 托盘区就是在windows的状态栏下方显示时钟.输入法状态的地方, 要把你的程序显示在托盘区: 下面是一个托盘类,只要把下面粘贴到文本文件中,改成TrayIcon.pas,使用时uses TrayIcon就可以了. 先声明一个全局变量: var tray:TTrayNotifyIcon; 然后在窗体的OnCreate事件中: tray:=TTrayNotifyIcon.Create(self);//将窗体创建为托盘 tray.Icon:=application.Ico… I took a look at OmniThreadLibrary and it looked like overkill for my purposes. I wrote a simple library I call TCommThread.…
Thread message loop for a thread with a hidden window? I have a Delphi 6 application that has a thread dedicated to communicating with a foreign application that uses SendMessage() and WM_COPYDATA messages to interface with external programs. Therefo… 在delphi线程中实现消息循环 在delphi线程中实现消息循环 Delphi的TThread类使用很方便,但是有时候我们需要在线程类中使用消息循环,delphi没有提供.   花了两天的事件研究了一下win32的消息系统,写了一个线程内消息循环的测试.   但是没有具体应用过,贴出来给有这方面需求的DFW参考一下.希望大家和我讨论.   {---------------------------… AllocateHwnd is not Thread-Safe [This article also serves as announcement of DSiWin32 1.26.] [Update: Reported as QC #47559. Vote for… CCD (Chrysler Collision Detection) Data Bus Description The Chrysler Collision Detection (also referred to as CCD or C2D ) data bus system is a multiplex system used fo… 项目中用到了消息的实时推送,查资料后用到了Spring websocket,找了很多资料,还是感…
You’re about to be introduced to the WCF service. This lab isn’t your typical “Hello World”—it’s “Hello Indigo”! In this lab,you will learn how to build a new WCF service and in the process learn the minimum requirements of service development and co…
本文转载自 中文翻译可参考 Network Working Group J. Rosenberg Request for Comments: 3261 dynamicsoft Obsoletes: 2543 H. Schulzrinne Category: Standards Track Columbia U.…
在delphi线程中实现消息循环 在delphi线程中实现消息循环 Delphi的TThread类使用很方便,但是有时候我们需要在线程类中使用消息循环,delphi没有提供.   花了两天的事件研究了一下win32的消息系统,写了一个线程内消息循环的测试.   但是没有具体应用过,贴出来给有这方面需求的DFW参考一下.希望大家和我讨论.   {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------…
供RecyclerView采用.会员可以查看将替代ListView的RecyclerView 的使用(一),单单从代码结构来说RecyclerView确实比ListView优化了非常多.也简化了我们编写代码量.可是有一个问题会导致开发人员不会去用它,更比说替换ListView了.我不知道使用过RecyclerView的人有没有进一步查看.RecyclerView没有提供Item的点击事件.我们使用列表不只为了显示数据,同一时候也能够能会交互.所以RecyclerView这个问题导致基本没有人用它…
CESSNA: 弹性边缘计算 本文为SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop (Mobile Edge Communications, MECOMM)论文. 笔者翻译了该论文.由于时间仓促,且笔者英文能力有限,错误之处在所难免:欢迎读者批评指正. 本文及翻译版本仅用于学习使用.如果有任何不当,请联系笔者删除. 本文包含5位共同作者,UC Berkeley的Yotam Harchol.Aisha Mushtaq和James McCauley,NYU和ICSI的Aurojit Panda以及UC…
Copied From: Author: Blaise Barney, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory UCRL-MI-133316 Table of Contents Abstract Overview What is Parallel Computing? Why Use Parallel Computing? Who is Using Para…
规范 SpringBoot 使用一个全局的配置文件,配置文件名固定为 或 application.yml .比如我们要配置程序启动使用的端口号,如下: server.port=8081 server: port: 8081 application.yml 配置文件一般放在 src\main\resources 目录或者 classpath:config 下. .yml后缀的文件是 YAML(YAML Ai…
图片拷贝不过来,直接从github上下载 . 链接: Create a example pom.xml Controller: The defferent between @RestController  and  @Controller: @Controller  could return jsp.html or   (add @ResponseBody to return json)j…
Mule ESB 介绍 博客分类: ESB ESB  1. 简介 Mule ESB是一个基于Java的轻量级企业服务总线和集成平台,允许开发人员快速便利地连接多个应用,并支持应用间的数据交换.Mule ESB支持集成现有系统而无论其底层采用何种技术,如JMS.Web Services.JDBC.HTTP以及其他技术. 2. 整体结构 图 整体结构 从上图可见,Mule通过Transports/Connectors与外围的异构系统连接,提供Routing(路由).Transaction Manag…