题目链接:https://vjudge.net/problem/FZU-1901 Problem 1901 Period II Accept: 575 Submit: 1495Time Limit: 1000 mSec Memory Limit : 32768 KB Problem Description For each prefix with length P of a given string S,if S[i]=S[i+P] for i in [0..SIZE(S)-p-…
Problem A: Small change 题解:http://www.cnblogs.com/crazyapple/p/3349469.html Problem B: Scoop water 题解:http://www.cnblogs.com/crazyapple/p/3349478.html Problem D: CX and girls 题解:http://www.cnblogs.com/crazyapple/p/3349480.html Problem F: ZZY and his…
time limit per test4 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Bob has a favorite number k and ai of length n. Now he asks you to answer m queries. Each query is given by a pair li and ri and asks you to cou…
Made by 退役的OIer 第一次写博客,写得不好 or 不清楚的可以 在下方留言,我会尽量改进的! 好啦~~~回到正题,题面见传送门 [问题描述] 采药人最近在认真切题,但回旋的转盘时常在眼前浮现,旧日的美好时光总把他带回那个无忧无虑的押忍战斗应援团的时代.于是他在切题的时候也按照这样的规则以怀念旧时光. 规则是这样的:采药人手头有 n 道题,他会将其按 1 到 n 的顺序绕成一个环,他会从 1开始按照 1 到 n 顺序每隔 p 道没写过的写一题,直到这些题都写完了.他想知道这些题中第 k…
心路历程 辣鸡T3卡我1.5h题意,要不是最后nlh跟我解释了一下大样例估计这次是真凉透了.. A P4994 终于结束的起点 打出暴力来发现跑的过最大数据?? 保险起见还是去oeis了一波,然后被告知第一个满足条件的位置不会超过\(2n +2\) 赢了 #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define Pair pair<int, int> #define MP make_pair #define fi first #define se second using n…