今天刚好方案公司谈到一个需求方案,要制作一个dvr连接手机,手机能上网的功能. 为了简化,让dvr开机轮询,连接某个iphone设备名字特征的手机,希望在app中提供一个输入框,可以 按dvr可以识别的特征去设置device name,但是找了一圈资料,发现不行,apple没开放这个api,只有私有的,但不能放上appstore. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7860783/is-it-possible-to-change-the-iphone-devi…
Alternative to iPhone device ID (UDID) [duplicate] up vote10down votefavorite 3 Possible Duplicate:UIDevice uniqueIdentifier Deprecated - What To Do Now? Even if Apple was not at Barcelone's MWC (mobile world congress), there was the certitude that g…
转:http://blog.csdn.net/phunxm/article/details/42174937 目录(?)[+]   1.iPhone尺寸规格 设备 iPhone 宽 Width 高 Height 对角线 Diagonal 逻辑分辨率(point) Scale Factor 设备分辨率(pixel) PPI 3GS 2.4 inches (62.1 mm) 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @1x 320x480 163 4(s) 2.3…
原文网址:http://blog.csdn.net/phunxm/article/details/42174937 1.iPhone尺寸规格 设备 iPhone 宽 Width 高 Height 对角线 Diagonal 逻辑分辨率(point) Scale Factor 设备分辨率(pixel) PPI 3GS 2.4 inches (62.1 mm) 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @1x 320x480 163 4(s) 2.31 inches…
1.iPhone尺寸规格 设备 iPhone 宽 Width 高 Height 对角线 Diagonal 逻辑分辨率(point) Scale Factor 设备分辨率(pixel) PPI 3GS 2.4 inches (62.1 mm) 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @1x 320x480 163 4(s) 2.31 inches (58.6 mm) 4.5 inches (115.2 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @2x 640x…
1.iPhone尺寸规格 2.单位inch(英吋) 1 inch = 2.54cm = 25.4mm 3.iPhone手机宽高 上表中的宽高(width/height)为手机的物理尺寸,包括显示屏和边框. 以下为iPhone4s的宽高示意图: 4.屏幕尺寸 我们通常所说的iPhone5屏幕尺寸为4英寸.iPhone6屏幕尺寸为4.7英寸,指的是显示屏对角线的长度(diagonal). 以下为iPhone5~6+的屏幕尺寸规格示意图: 5.像素密度PPI PPI(Pixel Per Inch by…
iPhone屏幕尺寸.分辨率及适配 转载http://m.blog.csdn.net/article/details?id=42174937 1.iPhone尺寸规格 iPhone 整机宽度Width 整机高度Height 对角线Diagonal 逻辑分辨率(point) Scale Factor 设备分辨率(pixel) PPI(对角线point/inch) 3GS 2.40 inches (62.1 mm) 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 (3:…
155down votefavorite 185 It appears that we can - theoretically - build a single static library that includes both simulator and iPhone and iPad. However, Apple has no documentation on this that I can find, and Xcode's default templates are NOT confi…
FIELD One embodiment of the invention relates to a closed loop thermal control process in a portable electronic device having several embedded temperature sensors. Other embodiments are also described. BACKGROUND Most electronic products in use today…
1.iPhone尺寸规格 设备 iPhone 宽 Width 高 Height 对角线 Diagonal 逻辑分辨率(point) Scale Factor 设备分辨率(pixel) PPI 3GS 2.4 inches (62.1 mm) 4.5 inches (115.5 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @1x 320x480 163 4(s) 2.31 inches (58.6 mm) 4.5 inches (115.2 mm) 3.5-inch 320x480 @2x 640x…