I'm new in jasper ireport , and I want to know if it is possible to create a report only with static text and parameters, but without any sql query. When I design my report it is possible , but when I try to preview it , I get this message: "The docu…
本文转自:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/sql/sql-server-2008-r2/ms157300%28v%3dsql.105%29 Reporting Services uses a SQL Server database for internal storage. The database is required and it is used to store published reports, models, s…
Sharing a form to generate Excel file report from SQL query in Oracle Forms. This form can be used in Oracle Forms 6i and 10g / 11g.   Below is the screen shot of this form and could be download from the following link: Excel_Rep.Fmb     A procedure…
MD5加密,Parameters防止SQL注入: protected void btnLog_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)     {         //获取验证码         string code = txtCode.Text;         //判断用户输入的验证码是否正确         if (Request.Cookies["CheckCode"].Value == code)         {             //创…
In this lesson, you will learn how to create reports in the integrated reporting system. This system is based on the DevExpress Reporting library for WinForms and ASP.NET. This lesson will guide you through creating a report that shows a list of Cont…
In this lesson, you will learn how to create reports at runtime. A report showing a list of Tasks will be created in the WinForms application at runtime and then will be available for printing in both WinForms and ASP.NET applications. 在本课中,您将学习如何在运行…
好多年没用report builder做报表了,最近又开始接触这玩意了,今天修改一个report,调试半天没发现逻辑问题,一直报REP-2103: Column 'CF_report_line_po' : PL/SQL formula returned invalid value or no value. cf column funciton 逻辑没有问题,只是输出的结果里面多增加了一些字符,就是新增的这些字符导致字符长度溢出,后来增长此列的字符长度 得以解决. oracle EBS 的开发工具…
How to create DB2user function easily by DB Query Analyzer 6.03 Ma Genfeng (Guangdong Unitoll Servicesincorporated, Guangzhou510300) Abstract  The latest version of DB QueryAnalyzer is 6.03 In DB Query Analyzer 6.03, without changing any Windows OS s…
我做rdl report 一般用存储过程,可是今天遇到个问题,需要用动态sql,rdl report数据集不能绑定字段 查了一下谷歌,解决如下: declare @CarrierList table (Listname varchar(200), PatCount int);insert @CarrierList exec(@CPSQuery)select * from @CarrierList…
Example is given below to create a data block based on From Clause query in Oracle Forms. The following are the steps: Create a data block manually and set the following properties: You can specify different query as per your need. Then create the it…