1. 配置节点,配置好节点后,在节点机上运行已下载文件,双击执行,提示"The Server rejected the connection: None of the protocols were accepted"错误 发现是自己生成.jnlp的文件错误了,如下图,我访问Jenkins是使用的localhost.在生成.jnlp或者是jar文件时,文件路径也是localhost,导致我执行它生成好的jar包或者是launch文件,下载都会提示是从localhost:8080下载,这样…
solution for this is from comment for https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-29616. The following are the comment from Aaron Jensen:We were getting this error because our instance of Jenkins is served via HTTPS (no HTTP allowed). For some reaso…
当用ntpdate -d 来查询时会发现导致 no server suitable for synchronization found 的错误的信息有以下2个: 错误1.Server dropped: Strata too high 在ntp客户端运行ntpdate serverIP,出现no server suitable for synchronization found的错误. 在ntp客户端用ntpdate –d serverIP查看,发现有“Server dropped: strata…
Apr 24, 2018 11:19:48 AM hudson.init.impl.InstallUncaughtExceptionHandler$DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtException SEVERE: A thread (pool-6-thread-46/72) died unexpectedly due to an uncaught exception, this may leave your Jenkins in a bad wa…