Eternity is said not to be an extension of time but an absence of time. 永恒不是时间的无限延伸,而是没有时间. What is enternity? What kind of traits can be qualified as eternity? There are few things that can stand the test of time, time will eventually kill us, and a…
They say that Berland has exactly two problems, fools and roads. Besides, Berland has n cities, populated by the fools and connected by the roads. All Berland roads are bidirectional. As there are many fools in Berland, between each pair of cities th…
1.类型 string number object boolean null undefined symbol (es6) attention : (typeof null) 值为 'object', (typeof undefined)值为:'undefined',其余的如自己所想. null的定义:primitive value that represents the intentional absence of any object value.用来表示故意 丢失的一个对象类型(objec…
Machine Learning for Developers Most developers these days have heard of machine learning, but when trying to find an 'easy' way into this technique, most people find themselves getting scared off by the abstractness of the concept of Machine Learnin…
Install Software in A Slient Way 一般来说,不同的软件的封装类型都有固定的静默安装命令. 查看软件的封装类型 双击setup.exe,在弹出窗口的左上角单击,选择"About Setup"可查看软件的封装类型.然后根据其封装类型选择对应的静默安装命令.这个步骤可适用大部分的软件,不排除有些软件是比较特殊的. 软件的封装类型 Microsoft Windows Installer 如果某个软件是用 Windows Installer打包的,那你就应该能在文…
Learn wisdom by the follies of others. 要从别人的愚行中学到智慧. How to become smart or what characters should a man have so that he can be considered as smart or wise? People say a smart man, like most of his peers, also makes mistakes, but they can learns from…