As we know that WeChat will wipe deleted chat messages. That's why forensic guys could  not dig out any deleted chat messages in EnMicroMsg.db. Is it possible to let those deleted chat messages show up again? For performance's sake, WeChat will creat…
Let me show you the WeChat version first. It is 6.3. What will happen to WeChat deleted chat messages? Take a look at "Blocks containing deleted data" and those deleted messages were wiped. What about WhatsApp? The version is 2.12.317. Fortunate…
Last month Candy was arrested on suspicion of having doing online porn webcam shows, but Candy refused to confess to her crime. The Police extracted data from her iPhone and found lots of chat messages in Skype’s database – main.db. Unfortunately the…
Forensic is a strict science and we should let the evidence speak for itself. Several months ago I still could recovered Line deleted chat messages as below:…
One of my friends asked me to do a favor for her. She said her friend deleted some important chat messages by “accident”, and her friend want to recover those deleted messages as soon as possible… I took a look at this android phone. My God, lots of…
The evidence is iPhone 5s with iOS 9.1 and not jail breaked. I use UFED to do advanced logical extraction just now. All I know is that suspect did use Naver LINE a lot. Unfortunately I did not recover any deleted LINE chat messages after advanced log…
A friend of mine she was frustarted in extracting WeChat chat messages from suspect's smartphone running Android 7.x. The situation is that no pattern lock/PIN/Password and USB debugging was enabled successfully. She tried every effort but in vain. N…
One of my friend came to me with an Android phone. She saild somehting wrong with the hardware of her friend's phone, and her friend are eager to backup his data,especially  WeChat chat messages..unfortunatelly her friend forgot the accoutn/password…
A friend of mine asked me help him to examine his Android 5.0 smartphone. He did not say what's wrong with his phone, and he just wonder why his wife know everything he chat on the phone, and where he has been. I'd like to help him to figure out if a…
20元现金领取地址:内部邀请码:C8E245J (不写邀请码,没有现金送) 国内私募机构九鼎控股打造,九鼎投资是在全国股份转让系统挂牌的公众公司,股票代码为430719,为“中国PE第一股”,市值超1000亿元.   原文地址: WeChat is a s…
This article is from an interview with Zuhaib Siddique, a production engineer at HipChat, makers of group chat and IM for teams. HipChat started in an unusual space, one you might not think would have much promise, enterprise group messaging, but as…
Design篇 Notifications The notification system allows users to keep informed about relevant and timely events in your app, such as new chat messages from a friend or a calendar event. Think of notifications as a news channel that alerts the user to im…
Now it's more and more difficult for forensic tools to extract evidence from smartphone running Android 7 and above. Maybe you could acquire physical image in Bootloader mode or by Smart ADB. Don't celebrate too early. Let me remind you of "FDE"…
访问登记属性 android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES ,允许读写check-in数据库属性表的权限 ( Allows read/write access to the “properties” table in the checkin database, to change values that get uploaded) 获取错略位置 android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION,允许通过WiFi或移动基…
这个项目实现了以下的功能:有三个标签聊天.发现和通讯录,左右滑动下面的ViewPager可以切换不同的标签,且标签下面的蓝色条可以随着手指的滑动来实时滑动.另外,如果第二次滑动到“聊天”界面,可以在“聊天”旁边添加一个“七条信息”的BadgeView.具体的运行效果如下.   下面上代码.顺便说一下,使用BadgeView的话,我们需要导入它的JAR包,点击这里下载. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <…
一.SQLite介绍 SQLite 一个非常流行的嵌入式数据库,它支持 SQL 语言,并且只利用很少的内存就有很好的性能.此外它还是开源的,任何人都可以使用它.许多开源项目((Mozilla, PHP, Python)都使用了 SQLite. SQLite 由以下几个组件组成:SQL 编译器.内核.后端以及附件. SQLite 通过利用虚拟机和虚拟数据库引擎(VDBE),使调试.修改和扩展 SQLite 的内核变得更加方便. SQLite 内部结构 SQLite 基本上符合 SQL-92 标准,…
今天我们讲的也是非常重要的一个控件listview-最常用也是最难的 一个ListView通常有两个职责. (1)将数据填充到布局. (2)处理用户的选择点击等操作. 第一点很好理解,ListView就是实现这个功能的.第二点也不难做到,在后面的学习中读者会发现,这非常简单. 一个ListView的创建需要3个元素. (1)ListView中的每一列的View. (2)填入View的数据或者图片等. (3)连接数据与ListView的适配器. 也就是说,要使用ListView,首先要了解什么是适…
原文地址:Getting Your SMS Apps Ready for KitKat 发送和接收短信是手机最基本的功能,很多的开发者也开发了很多成功的应用来增强Android这一方面的体验.你们当中的某些人可能基于隐藏API来开发短信应用,这种做法我们是不推荐的,因为隐藏API可能会有改变或者被移除,这样新的设备可能无法通过兼容性测试.因此,为了让你能够用到全面支持的API集来开发短信应用,以及短信应用体验的可预见性,Android 4.4 (KitKat)公开了现有的API并且增加了默认短信…
最近在网上查了关于很多Android消息推送的资料,其中主要有四种方法. 1) 使用GCM服务(Google Cloud Messaging) 2) 使用XMPP协议(Openfire + Spark + Smack) 3) 使用MQTT协议 4) 使用HTTP轮循方式 以上这四种方法的优缺点大家都可以到网上搜到,这里提供一个参考的连接:  在这里我将使用GCM服务(Google Cloud M…
转载请标明出处: 本文出自:[张鸿洋的博客] 一.概述 Google I/O 2015 给大家带来了Android Design Support Library.对于希望做md风格的app的来说,简直是天大的喜讯了~大家能够通过Android Design Support Library该文章对其进行了解,也能够直接在github上下载演示样例代码执行学习.为了表达我心中的喜悦…
android studio 汉化 D:\Android Studio\plugins\svn4idea\lib resources_en.jar\org\jetbrains\idea\svn ===\org\tmatesoft\svn\core\javahl D:\Android Studio\plugins\svn4idea\lib =====…
前阵子公司有一个项目,简单的监听短信应用,功能只有如下两个: 1.监听短信并获取短信内容上传服务器: 2.从服务器获取短信内容,发送出去    按照传统的思路,监听短信我们有两种方式:第一种是使用广播方式监听短信广播到来,第二种则是通过观察者,监听数据库数据变化.     其中,指的注意的是Android4.4之后版本,新引入了默认短信应用的概念,系统可以设置由某个应用来处理短信: 本文我们将带人们分析以下几个问题:    1.监听数据库变化方式监听短信    2.通过广播监听短信内容    3…
前沿 Android 从5.0开始引入了Material design元素的设计,这种新的设计语言让整个安卓的用户体验焕然一新,google在Android Design Support Library中封装了一些重要的material design控件,在这之前其实github上也已经出现了许多各种各样的material design 控件,只不过现在google把有些控件标准化了,注意这个Android Design Support Library和Android Support Libra…
废话不多说了,直接上代码,相信大家都能看得懂的. 一.主要工具类 package; import; import android.content.Intent; /** * Activity之间进行切换的帮助类 * @author yw-tony * */ public class AppUtils { private static final String PARAM ="param"; private A…
Syncing to the Cloud GET STARTED DEPENDENCIES AND PREREQUISITES Android 2.2 (API level 8) and higher By providing powerful APIs for internet connectivity, the Android framework helps you build rich cloud-enabled apps that sync their data to a remote…
Android团队通过Android开发博客透漏今年会放出Android 4.4 (KitKat) ,同时更新了 SMS 的部分API.博客上讲只有default SMS app才能对短信数据库有写权限,但是用户可以把第三方应用设置为default SMS app.有些中文的报道说“在Android 4.4中,只有默认的信息应程序才有权限接收和发送短信”,本文作者认为是不完全正确的,非default SMS app也能读写短信,只不过是不能写入短信数据库中.我们看一看android开发者博客是怎…
Android团队通过Android开发博客透漏今年会放出Android 4.4 (KitKat) ,同时更新了 SMS 的部分API.博客上讲只有default SMS app才能对短信数据库有写权限,但是用户可以把第三方应用设置为default SMS app.有些中文的报道说"在Android 4.4中,只有默认的信息应程序才有权限接收和发送短信",本文作者认为是不完全正确的,非default SMS app也能读写短信,只不过是不能写入短信数据库中.我们看一看android开发…
一.平台介绍 硬件平台: tiny4412ADK + S700 4GB Flash Android版本:Android-5.0.2 Linux版本: Linux-3.0.86 Bootloader:Superboot 作者:彭东林 邮箱 二.代码目录 下面的例子是基于Andrioid源码中自带的一个串口应用SerialChat,Android已经把与之相关的Freamwork.JNI代码实现了,其中直接在JNI中调用了Linux的系统调用,没有遵循A…
要设为系统默认的短信应用首先要配置一下AndroidManifest.xml文件,添加下列: <!-- BroadcastReceiver that listens for incoming SMS messages --> <receiver android:name=".demo.SmsReceiver" android:permission="android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS"> <intent-f…
Facebook Chat, offered a nice set of software engineering challenges: Real-time presence notification: The most resource-intensive operation performed in a chat system is not sending messages. It is rather keeping each online user aware of the online…