My friend May she found a strange file called "bkp.old" as below in the evidence files. She decided to use forensic tools to take a look at it and figure it out what's going on. FTK said that it's an unknown file. But May was not satistify with…
My friend May she found a strange file called "bkp.old" as below in the evidence files. She decided to use forensic tools to take a look at it and figure it out what's going on. FTK said that it's an unknown file. But May was not satistify with…
前些天,在进行分布式参数化测试的时候,出现了如题所示的错误报错信息.此文,针对此做一个简略的重现及分析说明. JMX脚本线程组参数配置如下所示: 参数文件路径配置如下所示: 执行JMX脚本后,服务器对应日志错误信息(部分)输出如下所示: 2016/06/17 23:06:59 INFO - Stored: E:\026\distributed.csv 2016/06/17 11:06:59 ERROR - jmeter.threads.JM…
严重: Context initialization failedorg.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Failed to read candidate component class: file [/home/rocky/Develop/luna_workspace/20160603workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/…
电脑死机,进不了桌面,实在不行就重启,但是在运行着虚拟机,重启后打开VMware虚拟机,提示failed to lock the file,进不去了,急阿,里面不少资料呢...问万能的Google,终于得到解答,将loc文件夹下面的loc文件删掉就好,再运行果然ok.我的VMware是7.0.1. VMWare出现文件未能锁定(Failed to lock the file)的解决方法   问题出现的原因:   虚拟磁盘(.vmdk)本身有一个磁盘保护机制,为了防止多台虚拟机同时访问同一个虚拟磁…
Standard Controls 示例下载地址: Xamarin官网上的IOS示例“Standard Controls”编译报错: xamarin  Failed to compile interface file. See Build Output for details   搜索Xamarind 的forums,有几个帖子是关于相同错误信息的,貌似最权威的解答是下面这个: http…
原地址: 在进行移动MM集成的时候总是会遇到一个bug:  failed to find resource file(mmiap.xml} 原因是:为Unity打包的时候和原生Android工程不一样,打包好了之后,找不到mmiap.xml 解决方法如下: 1.使用Unity打包好后. 2.使用apkTool解包 3.使用apkTool再打包   注:上述解包和打包的目的是为了去除签名… Reason: Failed to lock the fileGoogle 了一下, 在網路找到了以下解答. 1. 手動修改配置檔    請用 notepad 編輯 *.vmx 檔案, 在內容中加上一行      disk.locking = "FALSE"2. 透過 VMware Infrastructure Web Access 介面修改     進去 VMware Infr… Reason: Failed to lock the fileGoogle 了一下, 在網路找到了以下解答. 1. 手動修改配置檔     請用 notepad 編輯 *.vmx 檔案, 在內容中加上一行      disk.locking = "FALSE"2. 透過 VMware Infrastructure Web Access 介面修改     進去 VMware Inf…
PHP编译安装完毕,启动失败,提示 [-Jun- ::] ERROR: failed to open configuration ) [-Jun- ::] ERROR: failed to load configuration file '/usr/local/php/etc/php-fpm.conf' [-Jun- ::] ERROR: FPM initialization failed 原因:配置文件没有准备好 解决方法: 进入/usr/local/php/etc目录 cp php-fpm.…
不知道什么原因,在kali rolling安装open-vm-tools时报以下错误: Failed to get unit file state for run-vmblockx2dfuse.mount: No such file or directory run-vmblock\x2dfuse.mount is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it. 我之后搜到这早被国外列为bug:…
今天发布WebPlayer时, 发现直接打开html是可以正常运行的, 但是通过iis访问的话就会报错: Failed to download data file. 一开始以为是防火墙, 后来发现不是, 真正的原因是因为MIME类型, 在网站中新增.unity3d的类型就可以正常运行了. .unity3d     application/octet-stream…
打开VMware出现Cannot open the disk *.vmdk or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.Reason: Failed to lock the file.错误的解决办法! 今天我公司做的虚拟化服务器出现故障意外重启了,主系统启动之后,在启动VMware虚拟机的时候出现了Cannot open the disk  '*.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.Reaso…
如果出现类似下面的错误,原因就是JDK版本太高了,我换成1.7就没事了 Caused by: org.springframework.core.NestedIOException: ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file - probably due to a new Java class file version that isn't supported yet: file [C:\SSM\out\production\SSM\zhongfuche…
直接运行,有报错找不到配置文件. $ php-fpm [11-Jan-2014 16:03:03] ERROR: failed to open configuration file '/private/etc/php-fpm.conf': No such file or directory (2) [11-Jan-2014 16:03:03] ERROR: failed to load configuration file '/private/etc/php-fpm.conf' [11-Jan-…
[1]nginx.pid相关 (1)可能出现两种场景: 1.1 nginx.pid文件不存在 发生现象:nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/lib/ubcsrvd/bin/../logs/" failed (2: No such file or directory) 1.2 文件存在,但是 pid 值无效 发生现象:nginx: [error] invalid PID number "" in "/usr/…
[root@pcidata-jenkins ansible_playbooks]# ps aux|grep rsyncroot      1799  0.0  0.0 114652   480 ?        Ss   Jun29   0:00 rsync --daemonroot     61754  0.0  0.0 112664   972 pts/2    S+   11:17   0:00 grep --color=auto rsync[root@pcidata-jenkins an…
问题来源:在删除var目录下的log文件时,将redis文件夹删除了.然后在重启时:/etc/init.d/redis-server start,提示: Starting redis-server: *** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR *** Reading the configuration file, at line 94 >>> 'logfile /var/log/redis/redis-server.log' Can't open the log file:…
在重启nginx服务的时候,出现了这个错误. [root@izuf68g6a94fj32w0afx00z etc]# nginx -c /var/run/nginx/ nginx: [emerg] open() "/var/run/nginx/" failed (2: No such file or directory) 解决办法: [root@izuf68g6a94fj32w0afx00z etc]# nginx -c /etc/nginx/ngi…
1.  环境信息: Spring 3.2.2,  JDK 1.8, Hibernate 3.5.5 2.  运行简单的程序,出现以下错误信息: [2018-05-25 02:36:58,671] Artifact apms:war exploded: Artifact is being deployed, please wait...2018-05-25 14:37:01 [ERROR] -ContextLoader -[RMI TCP Connection(3)-]-Cont…
Android Studio导入项目后,Gradle编译失败,报错如下. Error:Failed to open zip file. Gradle's dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout.) <a href="syncProject">Re-download dependencies and sync project (requi…
在照着这里例子学习ssm时,在部署阶段遇到了这个问题“ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file - probably due to a new Java class file version that isn't supported yet” 结合例子里的博主说java的版本不要用太高的,怕兼容不了,猜到应该是java版本不符的问题,于是修改了一下项目运行的java版本.在eclipse下的操作步骤如下: 1.右键项目,Properties,然后按图操…
nginx的location虚拟目录配置: monitor.conf server {       server_name;       server_name;     error_log  /data/logs/web-acccess.log  info;       access_log /data/logs/web-error.log;          location /jiankongshare{        …
问题: 重启虚拟机后,再次重启nginx会报错: open() "/var/run/nginx/" failed (2: No such file or directory) 解决方法: (1)进入 cd /usr/local/nginx/conf/ 目录,编辑配置文件nginx.conf : (2)在配置文件中有个注释的地方: #pid        logs/; (3)将注释放开,并修改为:pid    /usr/local/nginx/logs…
当你执行sudo nginx -s reload时出现nginx: [error] open() "/run/" failed (2: No such file or directory),说明由于你操作不当,部分文件丢失 解决方法: nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf (其中/etc/nginx/nginx.conf 是你的nginx.conf的文件路径) 然后在执行sudo nginx -s reload就可以了…
一.问题描述 因为之前(2012)对HDFS客户端Thrift接口的库文件封装使用的是VS2010,最近考虑做一个完整的网盘系统的客户端,就把该库文件使用起来,比较悲剧的是之前做过操作系统的还原.我的VS2010已经没有了,过程中为了与客户的Project版本保持一致,我的MSProject也做了部分升级,word\Excel仍然是Office2007,而MSproject版本为offcie2010.重装VS2010的时候,悲剧发生了,每次安装到中间,总是报错误信息,继而安装失败,错误信息描述如…
jdk8与spring 3不兼容问题:用jdk7.或者升级到spring4 详情:异常信息ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file的问题解决…
nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/var/run/" failed (2: No such file or directory) 2017年09月14日 09:15:45 阅读数:7742 启动Nginx出现这个错误 nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/var/run/" failed (2: No such file or directory) 1  解决方法:找…