Lubos Rendek Debian 13 June 2017 Contents 1. Objective 2. Operating System and Software Versions 3. Requirements 4. Difficulty 5. Conventions 6. Scenario 7. Instructions 7.1. Installation 7.2. Default Samba Configuration 7.3. Add Users 7.4. Samba Hom…
If you are reading this article it means you have a network at home or office with Windows and Linux hosts or have created a virtual network using VirtualBox and need to send files between a Linux host to Windows. File transfer between Linux and Wind…
by Pradeep Kumar · Published November 19, 2017 · Updated November 19, 2017 DNS or Domain Name System, as we know is an internet service that is used to translate the user friendly domain into computer friendly IP addresses. Not only can we translate…
How to upgrade Debian 8 Jessie to Debian 9 Stretch Contents 1. Objective 2. What's New 3. Preparations 4. Jessie Full Upgrade 5. Update Package Repository to Debian Stretch 6. Upgrade to Debian Stretch Simulation 7. Upgrade to Debian Stretch Objectiv…
要求: create vnc service for win7 access it via vnc viewer. 1TB disk for this Centos PC is used as Samba server, which used to share files. and nsn-intra user could access the folder via their personal win7 pc with map network drive. on this 1TB disk,…
To make samba shard folder permission clear, there are 3 kind of permission need to be paid attention: 1. permission written in /etc/samba/smb.conf of certain folder 2. folder need to be shared by be labeled as samba_shared_t, check by ls -ldZ 3. fol…
The Guideline of Setting Up Samba Server on linux(Ubuntu) From terminate command window, install the samba package with follow command: Sudo apt-get install samba 2. Edit the samba config with follow command: Sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf Add follow c…
Part 1: Configuring anonymous share with samba server To install the samba package,enter the following command: sudo apt-get install samba samba-common Check the version of installed samba software by using this command: smbd --version Also install t…
大家都有这样的经历,通过我的电脑或网上邻居访问另一台计算机上的共享资源,虽然电脑和手机之间可以有多种数据传输方式,但通过Windows SMB方式进行共享估计使用的人并不是太多,下面我就简单介绍一下,如何在Android上建立一个与计算机相同的共享方式,在Linux中,我们称之为Samba,使用的是与Windows 系统相同的SMB/CIFS协议,一旦建立好,我们就可以在计算机中象访问其它计算机的共享资源一样访问手机中的资源了. 首页,必须有对应的软件,这个软件的名称叫做"Samba FileS…
 samba server  设置yum install samba.x86_64systemctl start smb.servicesystemctl enable smb.servicesamba 使用系统用户共享(用户家目录  )useradd -s /sbinlogin dafeipdbedit -a dafeiuseradd -s /sbinlogin xiaofupdbedit -a xiaofupdbedit -L #列出smb用户pdbedit -x xiaofu #删除用户s…