Introduction ASP.NET Boilerplate is integrated to MVC Views via Abp.Web.Mvc nuget package. You can create regular MVC Views as you always do. AbpWebViewPage Base Class ASP.NET Boilerplate also provides AbpWebViewPage, which defines some useful proper…
What Is Multi Tenancy? "Software Multitenancy refers to a software architecture in which a single instance of a software runs on a server and serves multiple tenants. A tenant is a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to…
Introduction Layering of an application's codebase is a widely accepted technique to help reduce complexity and improve code reusability. To achieve layered architecture, ASP.NET Boilerplate follows the principles of Domain Driven Design. 分层应用程序的代码是一…
Server Side(服务端) ASP.NET Boilerplate uses Castle Windsor's logging facility. It can work with different logging libraries: Log4Net, NLog, Serilog... etc. Castle provides a common interface for all logger libraries. So, you're independent from specifi…
Introduction ASP.NET Boilerplate is integrated to ASP.NET MVC Controllers via Abp.Web.Mvc nuget package. You can create regular MVC Controllers as you always do. Dependency Injection properly works for regular MVC Controllers. But you should derive y…
ASP.NET Boilerplate can work with any O/RM framework. It has built-in integration with NHibernate. This document will explain how to use NHibernate with ASP.NET Boilerplate. It's assumed that you're already familar with NHibernate in a basic level. A…
Introduction Every application need to store some settings and use these settings in somewhere in the application. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a strong infrastructure to store/retrieve application, tenant and user level settings usable both in serve…
Introduction Dapper is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for .NET. Abp.Dapper package simply integrates Dapper to ASP.NET Boilerplate. It works as secondary ORM provider with EF 6.x, EF Core or NHibernate. Installation Before you start, you need to i…
ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a set of objects and functions that are used to make javascript development easy and standards-based. ASP.NET的模板提供了一套,是用来使JavaScript开发容易.基于标准的.功能的对象. Here is a list of APIs in ASP.NET Boilerplate. Click headers to see det…
Introduction Any application has at least one language for user interface. Many applications have more than one. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a flexible localization system for an application. 任何应用程序至少有一种用于用户界面的语言.许多应用程序有多个.ASP.NET样板提供了一种柔性定位系统中的应用.…