非常可乐 Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 10442 Accepted Submission(s): 4193 Problem Description 大家一定觉的运动以后喝可乐是一件很惬意的事情,但是seeyou却不这么认为.因为每次当seeyou买了可乐以后,阿牛就要求和seeyou一起分享这一瓶可乐,而且一定要…
新手上路,请多指教! 今天将分页功能实现了,要特别感谢坐在前面的何同学的指点,不胜感谢!功能的实现采用了三层架构的方式实现该功能,简述如下: 界面: DAL层有两个方法:“当前所在页”和“总页数” 这个方法有一个地方一定要特别注意: “top”后面一定要加“空格”!不然会报错:“列名top0”无效!! (附加一个SQL语句分页公式:select top 每页条数 * from Student where ID not in (select top 每页条数*(当前页数-1)sid from St…
http://fffff-2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/15507529200722492917460 Q:请问ansys中的.full文件中如何看刚度矩阵和质量矩阵? A:you can use the following steps to extract structural matrices: 1. run a modal analysis to get a file.full 2. generate a temp folder 3. copy binlib.…
The balance was the first mass measuring instrument invented. In its traditional form, it consists of a pivoted horizontal lever of equal length arms, called the beam, with a weighing pan, also called scale, suspended from each arm (which is the orig…
A. Crazy Computer time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output ZS the Coder is coding on a crazy computer. If you don't type in a word for a c consecutive seconds, everything you typed…
//注意会爆 int #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; typedef unsigned long long ULL; const double eps=1e-5; const double pi=acos(-1.0); const int mod=1e9+7; const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f; const int N=1e3+10; LL a[25]; void INIT(…
本文来自于腾讯bugly开发者社区,非经作者同意,请勿转载,原文地址:http://dev.qq.com/topic/57ee0934b690d84c3188d7c7 Dev Club 是一个交流移动开发技术,结交朋友,扩展人脉的社群,成员都是经过审核的移动开发工程师.每周都会举行嘉宾分享,话题讨论等活动. 本期,我们邀请了 TesterHome 测试技术社区联合创始人"陈晔",为大家分享<移动互联网测试到质量的转变>. 分享内容简介: 在移动互联网越来越快的迭代项目中,很…