refer: 主要是查找顺序不一致: @Resource Match by Name Match by Type Match by Qualifier 优先匹配Name @Resource(name="xx") 若没有传入名字则(即直接@Resource)匹配类型, 若一个类型有两个Bean,则还需匹配Qualifier(@Bean 时的类名或方法名)…
This is a summary of some of the most important questions concerning the Spring Framework, that you may be asked to answer in an interview or in an interview test procedure! There is no need to worry for your next interview test, because Java Code Ge…
前言: 在上一章装配Bean中,我们看到了一些最为核心的bean装配技术.你可能会发现上一章学到的知识有很大的用处.但是,bean装配所涉及的领域并不仅仅局限于上一章 所学习到的内容.Spring提供了多种技巧,借助它们可以实现更为高级的bean装配功能.在本章中,我们将会深入介绍一些这样的高级技术. 使用情景: 在开发软件的时候,有一个很大的挑战就是将应用程序从一个环境迁移到另外一个环境.开发阶段中,某些环境相关做法可能并不适合迁移到生产环境中,甚至即便迁移过去也无法正常工作.数据库配置.加密…
Spring Framework 条件装配 之 @Conditional 前言 了解SpringBoot的小伙伴对Conditional注解一定不会陌生,在SpringBoot项目中,Conditional注解被广泛的使用以及扩展出了许多Condition派生注解.虽然Conditional在SpringBoot中被丰富了很多,但它是在Spring Framework 4.0中提出的,所以本文还是以Spring Framework 为基础进行讲解. 推荐阅读 黑色的眼睛 の 个人博客 Sprin…
In Spring, "Autowiring by AutoDetect", means chooses "autowire by constructor" if default constructor (argument with any data type), otherwise uses "autowire by type". See an example of Spring "auto wiring by autodetect&…
In Spring, "Autowiring by Constructor" is actually autowiring by Type in constructor argument. It means, if data type of a bean is same as the data type of other bean constructor argument, auto wire it. See a full example of Spring auto wiring b…
In Spring, "Autowiring by Name" means, if the name of a bean is same as the name of other bean property, auto wire it. For example, if a "customer" bean exposes an "address" property, Spring will find the "address"…
In Spring, "Autowiring by Type" means, if data type of a bean is compatible with the data type of other bean property, auto wire it. For example, a "person" bean exposes a property with data type of "ability" class, Spring wi…
In Spring framework, you can wire beans automatically with auto-wiring feature. To enable it, just define the "autowire" attribute in <bean>. <bean id="customer" class="com.mkyong.common.Customer" autowire="byNa…
从其他框架来看 我们都有自己的配置文件, hibernate有hbm,mybatis 有properties, 同样, Spring boot 也有全局配置文件. Springboot使用一个全局的配置文件,而且配置文件的名字是固定的. 有两种 application.yml springboot 配置文件的作用是用来 修改SpringBoot自动配置的默认值:SpringBoot在底层都给我们自动配置好: 像我们Tomcat 启动 默认配置端口是8…