Problem Description Soda has a bipartite graph with n vertices and m undirected edges. Now he wants to make the graph become a complete bipartite graph with most edges by adding some extra edges. Soda needs you to tell him the maximum number of edges…
Problem Description Soda has a bipartite graph with n vertices and m undirected edges. Now he wants to make the graph become a complete bipartite graph with most edges by adding some extra edges. Soda needs you to tell him the maximum number of edges…
Bipartite Graph Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 840    Accepted Submission(s): 285 Problem Description Soda has a bipartite graph with n vertices and m undirected edges. Now he w…
题意: Soda有一个n个点m条边的二分图, 他想要通过加边使得这张图变成一个边数最多的完全二分图. 于是他想要知道他最多能够新加多少条边. 注意重边是不允许的. 思路: 先将二分图着色,将每个连通分量区分出左右两边的点,在着色过程中,顺便将每个连通分量两边的点数存起来,注意一个连通分量左右两边的点数是绑定的一对数字.现在的问题就是,需要将这几对数字给分配掉,每一对都必须拆开来丢到不同的桶中,而且尽量使得两桶中各自的数字之和最接近,才能使得边最多. 分配的过程可以使用DP解决,主要是数字挺大的,…
题意:给一个二分图,问想让二分图变成完全二分图最多能加多少条边. 解法:图染色+dp+bitset优化.设最终的完全二分图两部分点集为A和B,A中点个数为x,B中点个数为y,边数则为x × y,答案即为x × y - m,那么用dp计算集合A中点个数的可能性.先用图染色计算每个连通分量里两种颜色点的个数,用dp[i][j]表示加入第i个连通分量时A集合中有j个点的可能性,可能为1,不可能为0,设联通分量为p,可以得到转移方程为dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - p[i][0]] |…
题目链接: Team Them Up! Time Limit: 1000MSMemory Limit: 10000K 问题描述 Your task is to divide a number of persons into two teams, in such a way, that: everyone belongs to one of the teams; every team has at least one member; e…
Bone Collector II Time Limit: 5000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 4178    Accepted Submission(s): 2174 Problem Description The title of this problem is familiar,isn't it?yeah,if you had took pa…
题意:给出t组数据 每组数据给出n和m,n代表商品个数,m代表你所拥有的钱,然后给出n个商品的价值 问你所能买到的最大件数,和对应的方案数.思路: 如果将物品的价格看做容量,将它的件数1看做价值的话,那么用01背包就可以求的花费m钱所能买到的最大件数dp[m]. 但是题目还要求方案数,因此很容易想到再建立一个数组f[j],存储j元钱能买dp[j]个物品的方案数. 在求解01背包的过程中,要分两种情况讨论: 设当前所选的物品为i 1.   若选了物品i后,能买的件数比不选物品i的件数大,即dp[j…
题目链接: 解题思路:简单的01背包,用dp[i]表示花费不超过i时的最大可能性 状态转移方程 dp[i]=1-(1-dp[i-a])*(1-p) #include<cmath> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace…
The title of this problem is familiar,isn't it?yeah,if you had took part in the "Rookie Cup" competition,you must have seem this title.If you haven't seen it before,it doesn't matter,I will give you a link: Here is the link:…