Security problems is more and more important on the internet today. You can see the problems . This chapter is really exciting, you can learn serveral ways of attacking the web application and the method to protecting the websites. Somehow, you can b…
This chapter reveals that you can use files and databases together to build PHP application that waash in binary data. The application needs to store images. Firstly, we should use the ALTER statement to change the structure of a database. ALTER TABL…
Enabling discretionary data access control in a cloud computing environment can begin with the obtainment of a data request and response message by an access manager service. The response message can be generated by a data storage service in response…
eclipse中写入sql插入语句时,navicat中显示的出现乱码(???). 在修改eclipse工作空间编码.navicate中的数据库编码.mysql中my.ini中的配置之后还是出现乱码. 然后把mysql.navicate全部卸载,下载新版本. 再重新配置mysql中,因为新建data里面有文件出现“initialize specified but the data directory has files in in.Aborting.” 接着删除data里面的文件,修改my.ini…
springboot 表单体积过大时报错: The multi-part request contained parameter data (excluding uploaded files) that exceeded the limit for maxPostSize set on the associated connector. 修改springboot接受参数的大小 #设定Httppost数据大小 server.tomcat.max-http-post-size=102400000 #…
Failed to parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: The multi-part request contained parameter data (excluding uploaded files) that exceeded the limit for maxPostSize set on the associated connector 最近项目中用到…
1.[ERROR] --initialize specified but the data directory has files in it. Abort [错误] -初始化指定,但数据目录中有文件.中止 解决方法:将数据目录下已存在的文件全部删除.如:rm -rf /data/mysql/* 重新初始化: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --user=mysql --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/data/mysql…
启动MySQL5.7时报错:initialize specified but the data directory has files in it. Aborting 解决方法: vim /etc/my.cnf 查看文件,寻找datadir=... 查看到:datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data, 这个是data保存目录. 进入/usr/local/mysql/data后,查看到确实有数据: 将/usr/local/mysql/data备份, cd /usr/local/my…
Data caching per request in Owin application 解答1 Finally I found OwinRequestScopeContext. Very simple to use. In the Startup class: app.UseRequestScopeContext(); //依赖于NuGet上的这个package Then I can…
Recently we were building a Shiny App in which we had to load data from a very large dataframe. It was directly impacting the app initialization time, so we had to look into different ways of reading data from files to R (in our case customer provide…