思路: 要用优势队列,因为有的+2,有的+1,所以队列中的步长是不单调的,所以找到一个答案但不一定最小,所以用优势队列把小的放在队首. 要记录状态,所以开了三维,题目和昨天做的那道小明差不多 vis开的int型赋值bool型WA了半天 代码: #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<queue> #define ll long long using namespace…
)) DECLARE @str VARCHAR(MAX) ,) ,@start INT ,@end INT ,) SET @str = '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8' SET @split = ',' ) BEGIN SET @end = CHARINDEX(@split, @str, @start + LEN(@split)) BEGIN , LEN(@str) - @START) END ELSE BEGIN , ) END SET @start = @end INSERT INTO @…
Thread message loop for a thread with a hidden window? I have a Delphi 6 application that has a thread dedicated to communicating with a foreign application that uses SendMessage() and WM_COPYDATA messages to interface with external programs. Therefo…
delete from proj_info where newcode in (select newcode from proj_info group by newcode having count(newcode) > 1) and NID not in (select min(nid) from proj_info group by newcode having count(newcode)>1)…
Function 从例子学习 drop function dbo.getWorkingDateCount; --getWorkingDateCount = functionName CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getWorkingDateCount] ( --这3个是parameter, 名字和类型 @fromDate date, @toDate date, ) ) RETURNS int --表明返回类型 AS BEGIN ; --DECLARE 就是var WHILE @f…
最终效果图: 首先我们需要修改一下主从结构的源码dwz.database.js,如下: function tdHtml(field){ var html='',suffix=''; if(field.name.endsWith("[#index#]"))suffix="[#index#]"; else if(field.name.endsWith("[]"))suffix="[]"; var suffixFrag=suffix…