I want to open another Window when I use <form> to request a query. So I used target="blank" to reach my goal. However, there was no change when I click the button. I even could not found any error message when I used "firebug" J…
Using just semantic CSS Pseudo-Classes you can help define important states for form elements that ensure the user provides the correct data without frustration. input:focus { outline: none; box-shadow: 3px 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border: 1px soli…
form表单 简介 表单在Web网页中用以让访问者输入数据,当提交表单时,表单中输入的数据被打包传递给Web服务器端的程序 以处理,从而使得Web服务器与用户之间具有交互功能. 表单实现前后台交互:用户将表单提交到后台再右后台提交到数据库的过程,实现前后端交互. 表单在网页中主要负责数据采集功能,它用< form >标签定义.用户输入的信息都要包含在form标签中,点击 提交后,< form >和</ form >里面包含的数据将被提交到服务器或者电子邮件里. 所有的用…