Copy/pasting the same code is redundant and updating copy/pasted code slows development velocity. Mixins are reusable chunks of code that are included, similar to calling a function, instead of copy/pasted. Mixins have some nice features:- Arguments…
We can write reusable styles with the SCSS @extend or @mixin directives. Which one is better? It depends. A better question is, how do they differ?Extends:change the source order, mixins don’t.maintain relationships, mixins don’t.share inherited trai…
在vue-cli脚手架采用scss正确的使用姿势 步骤一: 安装 npm install node-sass --save-dev npm install sass-loader --save-dev npm install style-loader --save-dev 步骤二: 安装sass-resources-loader npm install sass-resources-loader --save-dev 步骤三:…
This lesson covers flexbox in a reusable mixin that should cover most layout situations on your site. With variables and common defaults, this mixin will cover most alignment issues and replace the need for tables for all time. Need a column with eac…
SCSS nesting can produce DRYer code by targeting child elements without having to write the parent class. Nesting up to 3 levels deep can help us understand relationships between styles. The SCSS parent selector represents the parent class, so it can…
因为要用到iconfont,引入iconfont到sass文件后,出现编译sass文件错误,如下截图: 解决方法:在顶部设置编码格式 @charset "utf-8"; 编译成功!…
项目搭建好之后 安装sass 依赖包 npm install --save-dev sass-loader //sass-loader依赖于node-sass npm install --save-dev node-sass 在build文件夹下的webpack.base.conf.js的rules里面添加配置 { test: /\.sass$/, loaders: ['style', 'css', 'sass'] } 使用scss时候在所在的style样式标签上添加lang="scss&quo…
项目参考地址 dva-yicha 1. 使用路由跳转的方式 (1)所有的路由跳转功能都放到 dva/router 里面的 import { routerRedux } from 'dva/router'; (2)routerRedux里面包含一些常用的跳转路由的内容: go: ƒ () goBack: ƒ () goForward: ƒ () push: ƒ () replace: ƒ () (3)该组件必须是通过connect连接到redux里面的组件,通过 this.props.dispat…
什么是sass Sass 是对 CSS 的扩展,让 CSS 语言更强大.优雅. 它允许你使用变量.嵌套规则. mixins.导入等众多功能, 并且完全兼容 CSS 语法. Sass 有助于保持大型样式表结构良好, 同时也让你能够快速开始小型项目, 特别是在搭配 Compass 样式库一同使用时 [特点] 完全兼容 CSS3 在 CSS 语言的基础上增加变量(variables).嵌套 (nesting).混合 (mixins) 等功能 通过函数进行颜色值与属性值的运算 提供控制指令等高级功能 自…
SCSS语法: 假设变量申明带有!default,那么如果在此申明之前没有这个变量的申明,则用这个值,反之如果之前有申明,则用申明的值. ‘...’传递多个参数: @mixin box-shadow($shadow...){ -webkit-box-shadow:$shadow; -moz-box-shadow:$shadow; box-shadow:$shadow; } 用在属性或者选择器上,就得以#{}包裹 多个变量值一起申明: $linkColor: red blue !default;…