NEU 1009 Happiness Hotel】的更多相关文章

1009: Happiness Hotel 时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 173  解决: 19[提交][状态][讨论版] 题目描述 The life of Little A is good, and, he managed to get enough money to run a hotel. The best for him is that he need not go to work outside, just wait for the money to go…
Time limit 1000 ms Memory limit 131072 kB The life of Little A is good, and, he managed to get enough money to run a hotel. The best for him is that he need not go to work outside, just wait for the money to go into his pocket. Little A wants everyth…
题意:求方程x2-Dy2=1的最小正整数解 思路:用连分数法解佩尔方程,关键是找出√d的连分数表示的循环节.具体过程参见: 当d为完全平方数时无解 将√d表示成连分数的形式,例如: 当d不为完全平方数时,√d为无理数,那么√d总可以表示成: 记 当n为偶数时,x0=p,y0=q:当n为奇数时,x0=2p2+1,y0=2pq 求d在1000以内佩尔方程的最小正整数解的c++打表程序(正常跑比较慢,这个题需要离…
2127: happiness Time Limit: 51 Sec  Memory Limit: 259 MBSubmit: 1815  Solved: 878[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description 高一一班的座位表是个n*m的矩阵,经过一个学期的相处,每个同学和前后左右相邻的同学互相成为了好朋友.这学期要分文理科了,每个同学对于选择文科与理科有着自己的喜悦值,而一对好朋友如果能同时选文科或者理科,那么他们又将收获一些喜悦值.作为计算机竞赛教练的scp大老板…
FatMouse' Trade Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 56784    Accepted Submission(s): 19009 Problem Description FatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats g…
1009: [HNOI2008]GT考试 Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 162 MB Description 阿申准备报名参加GT考试,准考证号为N位数\(X_1X_2....X_n(0 \le X_i \le 9)\),他不希望准考证号上出现不吉利的数字. 他的不吉利数学\(A_1A_2...A_m(0 \le A_i \le 9)\)有M位,不出现是指\(X_1X_2...X_n\)中没有恰好一段等于\(A_1A_2...A_m\).\(A_1\)和\(X_…
Hotel 转载自: [题目链接]Hotel [题目类型]线段树 区间合并 &题意: 有一个线段,从1到n,下面m个操作,操作分两个类型,以1开头的是查询操作,以2开头的是更新操作 1 w 表示在总区间内查询一个长度为w的可用区间,并且要最靠左,能找到的话返回这个区间的左端点并占用了这个区间,找不到返回0 好像n=10 , 1 3 查到的最左的长度为3的可用区间就…
Hotel Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Description The cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superior. Bessie, ever th…
Description The cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superior. Bessie, ever the competent travel agent, has named the Bullmoose Hotel on famed Cumberland Stree…
Description The cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superior. Bessie, ever the competent travel agent, has named the Bullmoose Hotel on famed Cumberland Stree…