C++ Memory System Part1: new和delete】的更多相关文章

在深入探索自定义内存系统之前,我们需要了解一些基础的背景知识,这些知识点是我们接下来自定义内存系统的基础.所以第一部分,让我们来一起深入了解一下C++的new和delete家族,这其中有很多令人吃惊的巧妙设计,甚至有很多高级工程师都对其细节搞不清楚. new operator and operator new 首先我们来看一个使用new的简单语句: T* i = new T; 这是一个new operator最简单的用法,那么该操作符到底做了些什么呢? 首先,调用operator new为单个T…
问题:在使用ruby memory system中的mesh结构測试时,出现例如以下错误: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> File "/home/fandroid/gem5/src/python/m5/main.py", line 388, in main t = t.tb_next File "configs/exam…
BACKGROUND Advances in semi-conductor processing and logic design have permitted an increase in the amount of logic that may be present on integrated circuit devices. As a result, computer system configurations have evolved from a single or multiple…
DDR PHY interface bit error testing and training is provided for Double Data Rate memory systems. An integrated circuit comprises a bit error test (BERT) controller that provides a bit pattern; and a physical interface having a plurality of byte lane…
A method for operating a memory module device. The method can include transferring a chip select, command, and address information from a host memory controller. The host memory controller can be coupled to a memory interface device, which can be cou…
在第一部分中,我们介绍了new / delete的具体用法和背后的实现细节,这次我们将构建我们自己的小型工具集,可以使用我们自定义的allocator类来创建任意类型的实例(或者实例数组),我们需要做好准备,因为这里面涉及到了函数模板,type-based dispatching,模板黑魔法,以及一些巧妙的宏定义. 理想中,我们准备做的自定义内存系统需要创建实例的语法大概像下面这样: 假如我们定义了一个负责内存分配的类Arena Arena arena; // one of many memor…
在armv8中,由于processor的预取,流水线, 以及多线程并行的执行方式,而且armv8-a中,使用的是一种weakly-ordered memory model, 不保证program order和execute order一致. 所以有时需要显式的执行一些指令,来order自己的代码. armv8涉及到的优化包括: 1) multiple issue of instructions,超流水线技术,每个cycle,都会有多个issue和execute,保证不了各个指令的执行order.…
前面的系列我们讲了自定义new和delete操作,其中针对deleteArray的问题还有需要优化的地方.我们这次就针对POD类型进行一次优化. 下面的代码是针对POD类型的模板函数实现,分别为NewArrayPOD和DeleteArrayPOD: template <typename T, class ARENA> T* NewArrayPOD(ARENA& arena, size_t N, const char* file, int line) { return static_ca…
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_502c8cc40100pztk.html 摘要 1.In this paper, we propose the SLC-MLC mixed flash translation layer with 3-slot block mapping method for block level address translation and block relocation algorithm. 在本文中,我们提出了SLC-MLC闪存的混合转…
The bootloader is stored in the internal boot ROM memory (system memory) of STM32 devices. It is programmed by ST during production. Its main task is to download the application program to the internal Flash memory through one of the available serial…