C# Coding Conventions(译)】的更多相关文章

C# Coding Conventions C#编码规范 Naming Conventions 命名规范Layout Conventions 布局规范Commenting Conventions 注释规范Language Guidelines 语言准则 String Data Type String数据类型Implicitly Typed Local Variables 隐式类型的局部变量Unsigned Data Type 无符号类型Arrays 数组Delegates 委托try-catch…
It’s important to establish and follow coding conventions—they make your code consistent, predictable, and much easier to read and understand. A new developer joining the team can read through the conventions and be productive much sooner, understand…
C# Coding Conventions, Coding Standards & Best Practices Cui, Chikun Overview Introduction This coding guidelines document aims to provide a common standard and practices within the organization. This guidelines will help: · Promote code readability…
most from reference 命名规则 1.使用驼峰式命名规则,尽量避免在命名中使用下划线 2.类型以大写字母开头 3.方法和属性以小写字母开头 4.使用4个空格缩进 5.public的方法加上注释说明,以便他们能出现在Kotlin Doc中 冒号 分隔子类和父类的冒号前面应该加上一个空格,分隔对象实体和类的冒号前面没有空格 interface Foo<out T : Any> : Bar { fun foo(a: Int): T } Lambdas 在Lambda表达式中,空格用于…
Reference document https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff926074.aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229045(v=vs.110).aspx Coding Conventions Layout Conventions Use the default Code Editor settings (smart indenting, four-character ind…
[译]Vulkan教程(02)概况 这是我翻译(https://vulkan-tutorial.com)上的Vulkan教程的第2篇. This chapter will start off with an introduction of Vulkan and the problems it addresses. After that we're going to look at the ingredients that are required for the first triangle.…
[译]Android API 规范 译者按: 修改R代码遇到Lint tool的报错,搜到了这篇文档,aosp仓库地址:Android API Guidelines. 58e9b5f Project import generated by Copybara. by Android API Council · 9 months ago c0b835d Initial empty repository by Baligh Uddin · 8 years ago 提交记录显示最近才更新的,是官方的应用…
C#(.NET)中有关编码的一些建议,原文地址:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/539179/Some-practices-to-write-better-Csharp-NET-code 目录 介绍 试一试 什么是更好的代码? 怎样提高代码的可读性? 什么是编码规范? 开发者应该遵守的一些重要规范 总结 介绍 开发者之间经常喜欢争论“编码规范”,在整个项目周期中严格遵守编码规范是非常重要的.每个人都应该认识到这种约定是非常有用的,接下来我给大家分享一下这些…
原文:http://ariya.ofilabs.com/2012/02/from-double-quotes-to-single-quotes.html 代码的不一致性总是让人发狂,如果每位开发者都能遵守约定好的编码规范(coding conventions),那么生活将变的更加美好.比如在JavaScript中,一个字符串字面量可以用单引号引起,也可以用双引号来引起(ECMAScript 5规范7.8.4小节).很多人习惯于使用某种特定的引号,比如jQuery编码风格推荐人们使用双引号. 但我…
This is a set of coding conventions and rules for use in JavaScript programming. It is inspired by the Sun document Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language. It is heavily modified of course because JavaScript is not Java. The long-term val…