ORCFILE IN HDP 2: BETTER COMPRESSION, BETTER PERFORMANCE by Carter Shanklin The upcoming Hive 0.12 is set to bring some great new advancements in the storage layer in the forms of higher compression and better query performance. HIGHER COMPRESSION…
原文地址: https://hortonworks.com/blog/orcfile-in-hdp-2-better-compression-better-performance/ ORCFILE IN HDP 2: BETTER COMPRESSION, BETTER PERFORMANCE by Carter Shanklin ORCFILE IN HDP 2:更好的压缩,更高的性能 The upcoming Hive 0.12 is set to bring some great new…
ASP.NET Core 1.1.0 Release Notes We are pleased to announce the release of ASP.NET Core 1.1.0! Antiforgery AspNetCoreModule AzureIntegration BasicMiddleware Caching Common Configuration CORS DataProtection DependencyInjection Diagnostics DotNetTools…
New Features, Feature Enhancements and Behavior ChangesSubforms – Behavior Change for Unsupported Task ModeStarting with this version, if an Online task that is running in a Subform control cannot be executed, the task and the host task will remain o…
Magic xpa 2.5發佈 Magic xpa 2.5 Release Notes Magic xpa 2.5 Release NotesNew Features, Feature Enhancements and Behavior ChangesCall with Destination – Backward Compatibility EnhancementsIn Online, the following scenarios are now possible: Calling a p…
homepage faq contribute bugs questions Git for Windows v2.11.0 Release Notes Latest update: December 1st 2016 Introduction These release notes describe issues specific to the Git for Windows release. The release notes covering the history of the core…
I have planed to learn Python for many times. I have started to learn Python for many times . However, I can't use it fluently up to now. Now I know I was wrong. I just tried to remember the syntax and took notes on paper with little practice. Now I…
By brant-ruan Yeah, I feel very happy When you want to give up, think why you have held on so long. Just fight. Somebody may ask you: Why would you want to do that? Yeah, because I want to know how it works. Assembly language programming is about mem…
Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 高雪松 @雪松Cedro Microsoft MVP 本系列文章是Andrew Ng 在斯坦福的机器学习课程 CS 229 的学习笔记. Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 系列文章介绍 3 Learning Theory 3.1 Regularization and model selection 模型选择问题:对于一个学习问题,可以有多种模型选择.比如要拟合一组样本点,…
The Acceptance Test Engineering Guide will provide guidance for technology stakeholders (developers, development leads, testers, test leads, architects, etc.) and business stakeholders (managers, customers, end users, etc) on the discipline of accept…
Erstellung von Replik-IDs mittels @Text-Funktion@Text( @Now; "*" )Source NoPersist option in SetProfileField/GetProfileField:@SetProfileField([NoPersist];"Value to store";@Username) This is a neat flag used to set variables in a virtua…
Important: This is a preliminary document for an API or technology in development. Apple is supplying this information to help you plan for the adoption of the technologies and programming interfaces described herein for use on Apple-branded products…
<从0到1>中文版的副标题是”开创商业与未来的秘密“,题目大得吓人,英文副标题就谨慎了许多:Notes on startups, or how to build the future. 全书从一个问题开始:“What important truth do very few people agree with you on? 在什么重要问题上你与其他人有不同看法?” 看到这个问题时,我好像并没有想到什么新奇的观点,看来我是不适合创业了.书中观点不错,但好像与我关系并不大,但还是记下几个要点吧,说…