some simple recursive lisp programs】的更多相关文章

1. Write a procedure count-list to count the number of elements in a list (defun count-list (numbers) ( (+ (count-list (rest numbers))))) (print (count-list '(1 2 3)))5 6 result: 3 2. Write a procedure reverse-list to reverse each word in a list of w…
Scheme and Common Lisp use different names for some of the basic system functions. Many Lisp programs can be translated to the other dialect simply by changing these names (or by providing the existing names as macros or functions). Compatibility pac…
Problem E Simple Addition Input: Standard Input Output: Standard Output Let’s define a simple recursive function F (n), where Let’s define another function S (p, q), In this problem you have to Calculate S (p, q) on given value of   p and q.   Input…
Given a circular single linked list.Write a program that deletes every kth node until only one node is left. After kth node is deleted, start the procedure from (k+1)th node. e.g.list is 1->2->3->4->5->1 k=3 1. You are at 1, delete 3. List…
一.目录 1.启蒙知识预热:CAS原理+JVM对象头内存存储结构 2.JVM中锁优化:锁粗化.锁消除.偏向锁.轻量级锁.自旋锁. 3.总结:偏向锁.轻量级锁,重量级锁的优缺点. 二.启蒙知识预热 开启本文之前先介绍2个概念 2.1.cas操作 为了提高性能,JVM很多操作都依赖CAS实现,一种乐观锁的实现.本文锁优化中用到了CAS,故有必要先分析一下CAS的实现. CAS:Compare and Swap. JNI来完成CPU指令的操作: unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(thi…
Why Doesn't Python Have Switch/Case? Tuesday, June 09, 2015 (permalink) Unlike every other programming language I've used before, Python does not have a switch or case statement. To get around this fact, we use dictionary mapping: def numbers_to_stri…
动态规划是这样一种算法范式:将复杂问题划分为子问题来求解,并且将子问题的结果保存下来以避免重复计算.如果一个问题拥有以下两种性质,则建议使用动态规划来求解. 1 重叠子问题(Overlapping Subproblems) 2 最优子结构(Optimal Substructure) 1 重叠子问题 类似于分治法,动态规划将子问题的解合并.当多次需要用到子问题的解时,应当考虑使用动态规划.在动态规划算法中,子问题的解被存放于一张表格中,借此来避免重复计算子问题的解.因此,当所遇到的问题并不存在重叠…
这里主要是较为详细地理解动态规划的思想,思考一些高质量的案例,同时也响应如下这么一句口号: “迭代(regression)是人,递归(recursion)是神!” Video series for Dynamic Programming   Planning a company party Ref: Naive Recursive…
很多人一提到锁,自然第一个想到了synchronized,但一直不懂源码实现,现特地追踪到C++层来剥开synchronized的面纱. 网上的很多描述大都不全,让人看了不够爽,看完本章,你将彻底了解synchronized的核心原理. 一.启蒙知识预热 开启本文之前先介绍2个概念 1.1.cas操作 为了提高性能,JVM很多操作都依赖CAS实现,一种乐观锁的实现.本文锁优化中大量用到了CAS,故有必要先分析一下CAS的实现. CAS:Compare and Swap. JNI来完成CPU指令的…
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