顶点这边 我看powerVR也就是说苹果也是如此 还有mali 目前看这俩平台的顶点数据都有这样一步优化 一个render pass的所有顶点shade的时候 先算pos 用这个结果拿最上一层顶点数据 只对这部分顶点做其它数据varyings的计算 这样cull那些顶点都不需要计算除了pos外的其它数据了 它接下来的说法我是比较困惑的 他说 这部分顶点数据是交错放置的 所有postion顶点数据pack一个buffer 其它non-pos数据包一起 这部分可以去ue里确认下 这是上层做的事情 还…
3.1 - Apps or metadata that mentions the name of any other mobile platform will be rejected3.1 Details We noticed that your app contains irrelevant platform information in the app description. Referencing third-party platforms in your app or its meta…
对于ARM Mali GPU,目前是支持OpenCL1.1,所以我们可以利用OpenCL来加速我们的计算. 一直以来,对于Mali GPU的OpenCL编程,一直没有环境来测试.好不容易弄到一个华为Mate7,却因为华为没有提供OpenCL driver(小道消息,华为下半年开始将会有OpenCL Drivert提供,拭目以待吧).目前测试过的手机有魅族MX4 pro T628是带有OpenCL Driver,这个还得多亏三星的猎户座芯片.对于安卓手机如果手机是Mali GPU(如果是T6xx以…
高屋建瓴 From Up to Down Outside into inside The Internet Of Things. http://wenku.baidu.com/view/5cdc0266ddccda38366baf00.html http://www.networkcultures.org/_uploads/notebook2_theinternetofthings.pdf From view of hardware From view of software…
1. 使用DS-5 Streamline定位瓶颈 DS-5 Streamline要求GPU驱动启用性能測试,在Mali GPU驱动中激活性能測试对性能影响微不足道. 1.1 DS-5 Streamline简单介绍 可使用DS-5 Streamline从CPU和Mali GPU中实时收集性能计数器.然后以图形方式显示这些计数器.其主要功能例如以下:     • 收集计数器--从CPU和Mali GPU中     • 保存收集到的计数器数据以供回放     • 查看显示GPU活动.GPU活动和Fra…
目录 12.4 移动渲染技术要点 12.4.1 Tile-based (Deferred) Rendering 12.4.2 Hierarchical Tiling 12.4.3 Early-Z 12.4.4 Transaction Elimination 12.4.5 Forward Pixel Kill 12.4.6 Hidden Surface Removal 12.4.7 Low Resolution Z pass 12.4.8 FlexRender 12.4.9 Universal B…
BACKGROUND A graphics processing unit (GPU) is a specialized electronic device that is specifically designed to perform operations related to graphics processing. GPUs are often built with a highly parallel structure that provides more efficient proc…
GPU端到端目标检测YOLOV3全过程(上) Basic Parameters: Video: mp4, webM, avi Picture: jpg, png, gif, bmp Text: doc, html, txt, pdf, excel Video File Size:  not more than 10GB batch=16, subdivisions=1 Resolution: 416 * 416, 320 * 320. Frame: 45f/s with 320 * 320. A…
It’s been awhile since I posted something here, and I figured I might use this spot to explain some general points about graphics hardware and software as of 2011; you can find functional descriptions of what the graphics stack in your PC does, but u…
我知道这非常长,可是,我坚持看完了.希望有幸看到这文章并对图形方面有兴趣的朋友,也能坚持看完.一定大有收获.毕竟知道它们究竟是怎么"私下勾搭"的.会有利于我们用程序来指挥它们....(这是我加上去的) 原文从这里開始: 要说到设计的复杂程度,那还是CPU了!这个不用讨论,非常easy的道理你看看显卡芯片的更新速度和CPU的更新速度就可见一斑了.还是简单说说他们的设计原理吧. CPU: 可是,如今我要问一句:"什么是CPU?"我相信大多数人并不知道什么是CPU.当然,…
After the last post about texture samplers, we’re now back in the 3D frontend. We’re done with vertex shading, so now we can start actually rendering stuff, right? Well, not quite. You see, there’s a bunch still left to do before we actually start ra…
At this point, we’ve sent draw calls down from our app all the way through various driver layers and the command processor; now, finally we’re actually going to do some graphics processing on it! In this part, I’ll look at the vertex pipeline. But be…
Spring最近换域名了,去转转,发现了一个有意思的项目:spring mobile. http://projects.spring.io/spring-mobile/ 这个项目有很多实用的功能,如识别访问我们网站的设备是什么类型的(手机,平板,PC),据域名或者url来切换不同访问内容,据不同的访问设备转到不同的view中. 识别访问设备类型的核心代码在org.springframework.mobile.device.LiteDeviceResolver 类中,这个类实际上根据http请求头…
在CUDA8.0下编译安装OpenCV3.1.0 一.本人电脑配置:ubuntu 14.04, NVIDIA GTX1060. 二.编译OpenCV3.1.0前,读者需要成功安装CUDA8.0(网上有相关教程). 三.在CUDA8.0下编译安装OpenCV3.1.0. 1. 安装依赖库 . sudo apt-get update . sudo apt--dev libxine-dev libgstreamer0.-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.-dev libv4…
Author: http://www.cnblogs.com/open-coder/p/3898159.html The light mapping effects between PC and Mobile become very incosistant just as following: With the same light maps, the left one is the Android Platform, and the right one is the PC Platform.…
BY CRAIG CHAPMAN · PUBLISHED 2015-07-02 · UPDATED 2015-07-02   Working at Embarcadero, I frequently hear from mobile developers attempting to connect their mobile application to a database server. By far the most common that I’m asked about is MySQL…
有一个基于MIT License协议开源的PHP程序 http://code.google.com/p/php-mobile-detect/ 程序就是一个文件,下载之后直接引用就可以. 使用方法: <?php include("Mobile_Detect.php"); $detect = new Mobile_Detect();   if ($detect->isMobile()) { // any mobile platform echo 'isMobile'; } el…
在CUDA8.0下指定位置编译安装OpenCV3.1.0 一.本人电脑配置:ubuntu 14.04, NVIDIA GTX1060. 二.编译OpenCV3.1.0前,读者需要成功安装CUDA8.0(网上有相关教程). 三.在CUDA8.0下编译安装OpenCV3.1.0. 1. 安装依赖库 . sudo apt-get update . sudo apt--dev libxine-dev libgstreamer0.-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.-dev l…
在这个版本安装之前,要先装好opencv,openmpi等. 下载地址:https://github.com/yjxiong/caffe.git 我的opencv是2.4.12版本 编译是用了: cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCUDA_CUDA_LIBRARY=/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs/libcuda.so -D CUDA_ARCH_BIN=5.2 -D…
Node.js & process.env & OS Platform checker Window 10 Windows 7 ia32 CentOS $ node # process.env node-env-reader.js #!/usr/bin/env node // console.log(`process`, JSON.stringify(process, null, 4)); let { arch, platform, } = process; console.log(`pr…
目录一览: (2) Declarative Pipeline Syntax 2.1) Sections - 章节 2.2) Directives - 指令 2.3) Sequential Stages - 顺序阶段 2.4) Parallel - 并行 2.5) Matrix - 模型 语法总结 s…
目录 12.6 移动端渲染优化 12.6.1 渲染管线优化 使用新特性 管线优化 带宽优化 12.6.2 资源优化 纹理优化 顶点优化 网格优化 12.6.3 Shader优化 语句优化 状态优化 汇编级优化 12.6.4 综合优化 光影优化 后处理优化 精灵渲染优化 12.6.4.…
  From: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/771225/Learning-Modern-OpenGL   A little guide about modern OpenGL and why it gives us so much value. Shaders + Cube Env Map + Phong Lighting Introduction Ok... so you want to learn modern OpenGL. Great! B…
http://www.doppioslash.com/ https://github.com/Apress/physically-based-shader-dev-for-unity-2017 Part I: Introduction to Shaders In Unity Chapter 1: How Shader Development Works (已看) Chapter 2: Your First Unity Shader (已看) Chapter 3: The Graphics Pip…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Tick_Tock Atom Roadmap[16]   Fabrication process Microarchitecture Release date Processors/SoCs MID, Smartphone Tablet Nettop, netbook Embedded Server CE   45 nm Bonnell 2008 Silverthorne N/A Diamondville Tunnel Cre…
原文地址 LinkedIn started in 2003 with the goal of connecting to your network for better job opportunities. It had only 2,700 members the first week. Fast forward many years, and LinkedIn's product portfolio, member base, and server load has grown tremen…
[ Alcatraz 配置 ] 1.包管理器在线安装 Terminal终端 $ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/supermarin/Alcatraz/master/Scripts/install.sh | sh PS: |-> 使用步骤: 安装完成==>重启Xcode==>Window==>Package Manager  <-| 2.各种有用的插件 --Alcatraz:Xcode插件管理 1> CocoaP…
https://jkjung-avt.github.io/opencv3-on-tx2/ 注意:在编译的时候会遇到内存空间不足的情况,可以插入U盘,将程序拷贝到U盘内编译,然后安装到Jetson上.U盘格式化采用NTFS,其他格式可能无法识别. Installation Steps I’d start by cleaning up older opencv packages and installing necessary dependencies for building opencv. Re…
[Game Engine Architecture 9] 1.Formatted Output with OutputDebugString() int VDebugPrintF(const char* format, va_list argList) { ; static char s_buffer[MAX_CHARS]; int charsWritten = vsnprintf(s_buffer, MAX_CHARS, format, argList); // Now that we hav…