The linker automatically chooses an appropriate formatter for printf- and scanf-related function based on information from the compiler. If that information is missing or insufficient, for example if printf is used through a function pointer, if the …
GNU版本的printf命令用来格式化输出,效果类似与C语言的printf函数.2.x以上版本的Bash内建的printf命令和e/usr/bin下的printf命令使用方法一样. 例子:$printf "The number is %.2f\n" 100The number is 100.00 $printf "%-20s%-15s%10.2f\n" "Jody" "Savage" 28 //%-20s表示左对齐Jody S…
#include<stdio.h> int main(void){ int a; printf("请输入一个整数,程序求取他的最后一位数字:"); scanf("%d",&a); printf("用a%%10的方法求取整数的最后一位得到:%d\n",a%10); /*想用printf()输出”%“,必须在()内连续输入"%%&qu…